Famous YouTube'r Reader with Yamaguchi Tadashi, Kozume Kenma, & Oikawa Tooru

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Anonymous asked: Could I request how Yamaguchi, Kenma, and Oikawa would react to finding out their crush is a semi-famous gaming youtuber?

Of course you can anon! Since this wasn't requesting specifically for a scenario, I went ahead and did headcanons because they are super easy! I also misread the request as just semi-famous youtuber... so two of them are not about gaming T~T I'm sorry!!!!! This is what I get for staying up too late! Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Yamaguchi Tadashi:

Wasn't too surprised tbh. He knew you were amazing and beautiful and outta this world in every way, so when he caught you on camera talking about the most recent movie that had come out.

What he wasn't ready for was when you brought him into the conversation. Definitely wasn't ready when you widened the camera's view to include the both of you in the live stream.

His responses were super awkward and jumbled up with how nervous he was knowing that this was going to be seen by all your followers and subscribers and possibly people on other social media (He probably subscribed to your page right after)

But your followers fell for him almost as badly as you did, so you included him in almost the rest of your youtube videos and movie reviews

Once the cameras were off, he'll tell you how amazing you are and how happy he is that you're putting yourself out there for others to hear and see. (Lowkey jealous that he can't do that for himself.)

"Y-you really are amazing, _____. You have over a million views and that's only for one video..."

"Thank you, Tadashi... but some of my videos are littered with negative comments and criticisms about how I should stop because my content is just so unori-"

"I t-think you're amazing, ____.... I think you should keep making videos.... Prove them wrong with your views...."

Needless to say, you always call him up to get some support when the negative comments get you down in the dumps.

If you bait him (idk with what tbh cuddles? Idk) he'll even make a video with you telling the negative commenters to rethink before they press post because their words hurt. But they aren't enough to stop you. You were stronger than their petty words.

He might have to go to Tsukishima for help before that video though since he's not naturally a person to stand up to bullies. Surprisingly, Tsukishima actually helps out with some biting words to your mean comments. (Tsukishima thinks of you as a precious younger sibling that he still can't show his affection for.)

Yamaguchi might even ask you if he can bring Tsukishima into the video so he can give some of his own mean words to the comments section people. (Don't do it... They'll only make fun of your boyfriend being the 'yeah' man to Tsukishima)

Because of your reviews not having any spoilers, most of the time, Yamaguchi will actually ask you to go watch the movie with him so that he can see what you're talking about. Even if he's already seen the movie thousands of times (Jurassic Park with Tsukishima) he'll ask that you watch it with him so that you can talk him through your review and why you thought what you did.

Kozume Kenma:

(He's so straight faced lmao I love it) He didn't really respond at first when you told him that you made videos where you played games online and recorded it for youtube.

Thought it was kind of cool but didn't really tell you at first because he was surprised that you liked video games at all. (Video games aren't just for boys, Kenma, damn.) Only let you know his thoughts after he'd seen one of your videos.

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