Cuddling & Eating Ice Cream with Yamaguchi

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Anonymous asked: Yamaguchi scenario where he and his s/o are cuddling and eating ice cream because s/o's had an awful day?

Hey there Anon! I, the great Admin Terushima, will answer your ask on this lovely day! (Also thank you for doing a Yamaguchi ask, every blog needs a little bit of sunshine on it amirite? ;P) -Admin Terushima

Yamaguchi Tadashi:

Yamaguchi always greets his s/o when they get home with a bright smile and a warm hug with a kiss to the forehead, but he's perceptive and he can tell when they have had a bad day.

These times the greeting is a little different, he'll still greet them with a bright smile and a hug, but the hug will last longer and he'll hold them firmly to remind them that he's always there for them when they need it. He'll only let go once he feels them relax a little but he still grabs their hand and intertwines their fingers together as he leads them to the couch.

He'll sit them down on the couch and after a couple minutes of warm touches and side hugs and a few questions about their day to see how much damage control needs to be done, he will turn their face towards his and plant a small kiss on the corner of their mouth before turning on their favorite show, getting up and promising to be back very soon.

He will return with the softest blankets and fluffiest pillows he can gather in one go and deposit them on his s/o which never fails to make them laugh a little. He will laugh along with his s/o his whole face lighting up because all he wants is for them to be happy, before gathering the rest of his supplies he'll rest his hand very gently against his s/o cheek and reminds them how much he loves them.

It takes about ten minutes for Yamaguchi to gather all his supplies but once he's done his s/o is buried under blankets and pillows in a nest of sorts, has a bowl full of their favorite ice cream in their hands, and has a very smiling Yamaguchi cozied up behind them.

Yamaguchi cuddles are the best because they are all about his s/o. He will set up his s/o between his legs with their back resting against his chest so that he can wrap his arms around them and plant little kisses on their head and the back of their neck.

He will also run his hands through his s/o's hair and play with it, going so far as to braid it if it's long enough.

This kind of treatment never fails to brighten his s/o bad day and they always fall asleep in his arms knowing that Yamaguchi is always going to be there no matter what at the end of the day.

A/N: *whispers* I hope this pleases you anon. Also I'm sorry for the late reply. I was in class. ;P

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