Proposal/Wedding/Honeymoon with Oikawa Tooru

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Anonymous asked: I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! ❤❤❤ Could I have marriage proposal, wedding day and wedding night headcanons for Oikawa?? (Or scenario, what you think is easiest) Thank you so much~~

Ahhhhhh! Thank you, anon! SO since the requests asks for three separate events, I'll make it into headcanons! Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Oikawa Tooru:


If you thought he was grand in his confession of having a crush on you, then he practically throws a party when he proposed to you!

Not really. He was super secretive and super excited to plan the whole 'pop the question' event! (He was so excited he didn't know where to start planning T~T)

Asked Iwaizumi for advice and dragged him to watch all these sappy rom coms to get ideas of the places he could ask you! (You actually walked in on them watching it and just kept the face to yourself lmao)

In the end, he takes you star gazing in the public park, pointing out every constellation until pointing to the brightest star in the sky that wasn't a planet or the North star.

"Can you guess what that star is, _____-chan?"

"Uh... Is it... Sirius or Canopus?"

"______-chan~! You can't just google bright star names! Cheater!" *pouts a bit before answering* "That stars named _____ ______.... I bought it to commemorate tonight."

Queue him getting on one knee in front of your sitting form and asking you to marry him. (Please give him credit for being creative!)

Wedding Day

N E R V O U S W R E C K! Like sweating as he's getting dressed and everything. It takes Iwaizumi roughly reminding him that you'd said yes and that the two of you wouldn't be there if you weren't sure of getting stuck with him the rest of your lives.

Mattsun and Makki actually help him sneak away to visit you, Mattsun distracting Iwaizumi (with a really good riddle) while Makki snuck him into your room.

"Tooru! What are you doing here! You know... what's wrong?"

"Ah~ _____-chan~! You're so beautiful!" *Notices you waiting for his answer* ".... Are you sure, _____-chan? About me..... about... us? Like... Do you think I'll be enough for you.... For the rest of our lives?"

Of course he's not backing out of the wedding, and you know that! He's just having some anxiety before the vows. PLEASE hold him close and assure him everything's going to be alright. (#Protect Tooru Forever Squad)

The rest of the wedding goes on without a hitch! At the wedding reception, Iwaizumi gives a gruff, but very heart warming, best man speech, followed by Makki and Mattsun's (unplanned on all parts) own speech! Oikawa practically squishes them all in a huge hug that you're caught in the middle of. (#heaven)


Oikawa KNOWS you deserve nothing but the best. As does he. He knows. So, your honeymoon will most likely be outward bound from Japan. Maybe Europe or, even, America. Possibly Canada!

If neither of you had ever been intimate with each other, he's super careful and super attentive to what your reactions are to what he does.

BUT if you'd both been with each other before the wedding, it's just more emotional and more intimate than what you're used to. (It might even bring tears to your eyes)

Is pretty good at keeping the honeymoon half bedroom time and half exploring the site!

"Come on, _____-chan~! We're supposed to go explore today! We laid in all day yesterday, I need to stretch out my knee or it'll hurt tonight." *pouts*

"Nooooooo~, Tooru~! Come back and lie down with me... I'm sure there's a position that will help your knee."

"Oh~? _____-chan~, so naughty~!" (Omg Oikawa get in the fucking bed already)

Sadly, the honeymoon only lasts about a week, 2 weeks at most, before you both have to fly back and get to work building your lives together.

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