Drabble #2 with Tendou Satori

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littlecassywantsbokuto (https://littlecassywantsbokuto.tumblr.com) asked: Uuuuuh can I maybe have No.19 of the Drabble thingy with Tendou? *^* Hope you having a wonderful day/night! x3

Drabble #19: "You're satan." LMAOOOOO omg nothing has described my trash husband more than that sentence right there! Thank you so much for requesting this! I hope I don't disappoint! Be warned: This is in reference to the current season of the anime, and I don't think this is so much of a drabble as it is just placing a reader in what happened in the scene.... Whoops! Thanks for reading! -Admin Satori <3

Tendou Satori: Drabble #19 "You're satan"

The court was silent. The stands conflicted between feeling happy over the failed serve or feeling sad for the pinch server's missed chance. Everyone was feeling that conflict, even you. Everyone except the love of your life.

"Keep on breaking them!" His sing songy voice called from the sidelines, your eyes immediately going to look at him rather than the slumped shoulders of Karasuno's #12. You couldn't help but laugh softly at his ridiculous swaying hips.

"What, you say? Their hearts!" He continued shamelessly, belting out the lyrics he made up on his own. You leaned down on the bench and rubbed your face, trying to not smile at his childish antics.

"Keep on shattering them!" He sang, still swaying his hips left and right and you had to painfully bite your lip to keep from laughing at how absolutely adorable his little dance was. You did feel bad for the opponents pinch server, so you felt genuinely terrible for finding Tendou's dancing and singing so amusing when it was obviously poking fun at the players failure.

"What, you say?" He trailed off, twisting his body in such an odd way to point back at Semi over his right shoulder. You snorted a bit, avoiding looking at him when his eyes flashed over to you before looking back at Semi expectantly. Semi was taken aback by his teammates sudden need for a co-singer or anyone really to take the attention from him.

He frowned for a few seconds before letting out a huff in lieu of an actual chuckle and letting a small smile grace his face. For a split second, you realized he looked oddly similar to Karasuno's #2 on the sidelines who'd been yelling hysterically just a few points ago. "Those blocks?" He asked in a way that made it seem like he was certain in his choice.

You had to completely cover your mouth from laughing when Tendou only turned away and sang, "Nah, their spirits!" as an ending to the first verse of his very mean song, his bandaged fingers moving as if he were dictating an orchestra. He continued to quietly sing more of his song, but glanced out of the corner of his eye to see what you thought of his teasing.

"You're satan." You smiled fondly at him, shaking your head with slight disbelief when he only chuckled and sent you double peace signs with a cute face of his before he was called back onto the court. You were grateful there were cameras filming this intense match since that meant you could go back and watch the video of your ridiculous boyfriend doing his little dance. You were almost excited to get home and watch the video now that you thought about seeing his hilarious moves.

A/N: I was originally going to make this about when he blocked Hinata's spike, but the thought of my favorite scene of him singing and I just... I couldn't resist lmao. My trash husband is such a good singer XD

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