Drabble #7 with Akaashi Keiji

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Anonymous asked: (If possible fem) s/o saying 72 to akaashi because she was having a bad day and she honestly just wants cuddles and hugs...? (Drable prompt)

Drabble #72 "Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now." Awww So... I was kind of confused on whether you wanted Akaashi to say it to her or her to say it to Akaashi... So I just went with my gut feeling, yeah? Hope I didn't mess it up! Thanks for requesting! -Admin Satori <3

Akaashi Keiji:

You slammed the door shut as you walked into your house, tugging off your shoes roughly before tossing your stuff to the side and stomping into the living room. You'd had the worst day imaginable! You'd failed a test in your favorite subject, you'd forgotten your lunch, you'd tripped down the stairs, and you'd been caught in the rain without an umbrella on the walk home. Not to mention that while you were waiting for your boyfriend's volleyball practice to end, you'd accidentally caught a stray ball to the face and gotten a nosebleed.

Akaashi had seen the whole thing and had quickly gone to get the medical supplies needed, but when he came back you had already left the campus in tears. He felt distressed to say the least and excused himself from practice, grabbing all his items and hastily rushing after you. He'd rounded the corner to your street when you'd entered your house, and he slowed his pace down, knowing you probably needed your space. Needed some time to cry it out on your own before he came in there to help you sort everything out.

By the time he actually got to your door, you were just about to get under your blankets in your room and groaned when the doorbell rang. You sniffled a bit, forcing yourself to keep the tears at bay until the visitor left. Opening the door, you stared up at your boyfriend in shock, "K-Keiji?" You stuttered, surprised he was there. You didn't think he'd seen your injury. Taking a step back, you allowed him in your house, "What happened to practice?" You asked around your wobbly voice, trying to act like you were completely okay, but you knew Akaashi knew you better.

"____." His gentle voice called, and you couldn't help but turn your head a bit and glance at him, showing him that you were listening, "Let me take care of you." He pleaded before he took off his shoes and set down his things, taking your hand in his and walking you into your bathroom before he sat you on the toilet and got to work searching for a hand towel and some bath bombs. He turned on your bath, letting it fill up as he moved throughout your house to get everything ready. "Please." He motioned to the bathtub which was now filled with nice steamy water, turning his back to you and covering his eyes so that you would have your privacy but so that you also didn't feel alone in your current time of need.

Who were you to say no to him? Especially after he'd done so much, ditched practice even, just to help you relax. You blushed as you quickly undressed and got into the bathtub, thankful that the bath bomb he'd used was a bubbly one that produced enough bubbles, more than enough really, to cover you. You cleared your throat slightly, not trusting your voice enough to just outright tell him that he was okay to turn around. You watched him as he kneeled down next to the bathtub, being level with you before he got the washcloth wet, and you couldn't help but furrow your eyebrows in confusion on what he was going to do until he cupped your face gently with one hand and used the wet washcloth to dab at the dried blood under your nose.

The amount of care in his touch, in the soft administrations of cleaning your face from your injuries, even when he started to rinse and wash your hair for you just completely overwhelmed you. You couldn't stop yourself from letting your tears fall from what a terrible day it had been but what an amazing person your boyfriend was. He didn't say anything while you let out your tears, but he did lean in now and then to kiss away the cool droplets, and when you were done crying, he continued to wash you, his gentle hands washing away everything that went wrong.

After a few moments of the two of you relaxing in each others company, his voice made itself known again, "Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now." He murmured lowly, his eyes focused on washing you rather than the way you glanced up at him with furrowed eyebrows. But you couldn't help the small smile that tugged at your lips at the slight desperation in his tone to see you happy.

"Thank you, Keiji." You whispered around the humid bathroom air, reaching for his hand that was placed on the side of the tub to stabilize himself and laying your hand over it, feeling your small smile widen when you noticed the slight upturn of his own lips. You'd definitely have to pay him back for his tender loving care.

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