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I stood at the door face to face with my aunt and my grandmother. "Hey baby" my grandmother said hugging me as I smiled hugging her back then eyed my aunt.

"You came all this way to continue your B.S?" I asked not letting her in. "No I came to see my baby niece and to see how you are doing." She said as I shook my head.

"Whatever you got 10 minutes" I stated "Y/N" my grandmother said "I'm sorry 15" I stated walking away from the door. "You have a nice house" she exclaimed as I ignored her.

"So How has the post pregnancy been treating you?" My aunt asked as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm straight Why now you asking and worrying about what's going on? My baby been here for a month and a half, what you want?" I asked being blunt.

"I've been busy" she stated as I rolled my eyes going to get Jamaria. I brung her downstairs as Erik was getting washed and dressed.

"Here She is" I stated placing her in her bassinet as she looked and took a picture of Jamaria and I glared at her.

"Can I hold her?" My aunt asked as I looked at her weird. "Y/N" my grandmother said touching my arm as I sighed then nodded.

"She looks just like you" my aunt stated holding her as my grandmother and I looked at her weird.

"She looks just like Erik" my grandmother said "who?" My aunt asked as I looked at her "see.....why are you here?" I asked her and took Jamaria from her.

"Because I wanted to see her and check up on you, you've been MIA and I hear you got a little music career going" she said as I gave her a look.

"Excuse me?" I asked "you've could've called all them months but you didn't" I stated. "Y/N I didn't come to argue I just want to warn you about Erik" she stated as I looked at her.

"What?" I asked "He's bad Y/N, he is not for you you had a baby by him which I'm surprised you went through and had her " she stated as I squinted my eyes and looked at her.

"I wasn't going to stop anything because you upset with me making certain decisions." I started off "matter of fact you can see your mother fucking way out my house" I stated.

"Why you got to be with a fighter why you can't be with a lawyer or your old boyfriend what Erik got that he ain't got?" My aunt asked.

"Get out" I stated as she stood up "I deserve more respect than this I helped raise you and I'm looking out for you" she explained.

"You ain't do shit you ain't try and help my mother out nor did you try and help my ass out of that environment you was too busy being fucking money hungry to a nigga that did you dirty now you mad at me because a nigga did you dirty" I stated as she slapped me.

I looked at her as I started hitting her ass back she fell on the couch as I fell on top of her swinging, hitting her in her face as I felt myself being pulled off of her.

"I'm fucking tired, dead ass don't put your hands on me, I'm not your fucking child I don't need your fucking blessing, and I Damn sure don't need your jealous ass, now get the fuck out my house" I stated as Erik and my grandmother held me back.

"What I need to be jealous for?!" She asked trying to get back in my face "oh so you want more?" I asked

"fuck outta here your ass jealous because I have everything you fucking don't, you looked down on me and my mother as if we were under you and now that I'm engaged and way above you , you fucking mad" I stated, stating facts and she knew that shit was true.

"Engaged!?" She asked shocked "yes and keep disrespecting my fiancé" I warned

"Really May?" My grandmother asked "tell her because you fucking knew, you knew everything and not once did you fucking offer for me or my mother to stay with you. Was it because we were from the hood?!" I asked

"calm down" Erik said as I looked at her "what was the reason?!" I asked curious "remember when you told me I wouldn't be shit besides a stripper? Huh?!" I asked as my grandmother looked at my aunt.

" I wouldn't be nothing but a stripper that was laying on my back for some change, remember that?" I asked

"Well guess what bitch, now you watching me" I stated "now get the fuck out this house before A. I put you out or B. The cops put your ass out" I stated getting Jamaria and walking away upstairs.

I laid Jamaria in the middle of Erik and I's California king size bed as I sat my back against the headboard crying.

I heard Erik call my name as I ignored him and he finally came in. He looked at me and instantly hugged me as I broke down into his chest.

He sat down next to me on the bed still holding me. "She got me fucked up, I put up with too much shit from her, you don't speak for months didn't come to the baby shower none of that now want to show your face and start some shit?!" I asked.

"She knew what me and my mother were going through, she knew about me being raped yet she ain't do shit, she knew about me living on my own yet she ain't take me in. She knew about Terrence I asked for some money to get away from him she did not help at all" I stated crying as Erik kissed my head.

"She ain't shit and all that shit going to come back on her, she tries to belittle me and what I do, she talks shit about you and I'm tired" I said.

"Calm down Princess, if you don't want to see her or talk to her ever you don't have too,and I won't make you because she was wrong. If you feel Jamaria doesn't need to deal with her either than that's okay too, I just want you and Jamaria to be happy and safe" he explained as I nodded.

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