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Erik just blew the fuck out of me like if you have a point and I say okay leave it alone. "He acts like I'm the only one who get looks like this nigga don't have females eyeballing his ass I mean look at him I'm one of the females eyeballing him and I'm his girl" I said to Jasmine.

"You two niggas always arguing I believe you two like it" jasmine stated that make up sex be bomb as fuck but the point is we can't change certain things we just don't need to entertain it.

"No It's annoying now it feels as if somewhat he doesn't trust me" I started off as jasmine gave me a look. "What you mean?" She asked "like I'm going to slip up with another man or fall for another man when I love him" I said and smacked my lips.

"Well then you two need to talk and if there's no trust then he shouldn't be in a hurry to marry you" jasmine said as I stated as I sadly agreed.

"Yeah its a lot and we're young we have our whole life ahead of us" I stated "yeah so don't be too quick and I promise if you two do take a break i'll make sure there's no other female" jasmine added as I giggled.

"I love Erik but something has to give I don't know how I'm going to go on tour and he claims he's going to the Bahamas with me but he has work." I said.

"So you leave anyway you got to make your fans happy and do work still just like him He'll get over it" Tiffany butted in.

"Do what you got to do, Erik here or not you have a baby and if you two having trust issues then you two need to talk and maybe take a break, I rather you two take a break work out you two issues than watch y'all go through a divorce with a child" she stated as I nodded and a tear came from my eyes.

"Yeah" I said as she came and sat next to me wiping my tear. "Baby you can do all that you can do but if there's no trust then that's a toxic relationship" she said as I sighed "it maybe hard but if Erik has trust issues that's something he has to work within himself and if he wants you then he'll work for you trust issues and all" Tiffany explained as I listened.

Erik appeared in the living area as Tiffany looked between us. "We're going to let you two talk" Tiffany said as her and jasmine left the room.

Erik sat next to me as i looked straight ahead trying not to look at him. "Y-" he started off as I cut him off.

"Erik we don't have any trust and I think we need to take a break" I said then looked at him as he looked taken away.

"You don't trust me at all I can't go anywhere really to perform or shoot a video because you're afraid and I don't know what female made you like this and I understand what happened with your dad, I'm sorry but Erik, you got to work on that" I started off.

"And I got some things to work on also" I stated "so what about jay? What about  the house, the engagement, everything?!" He asked.

"Co parent with Jay, I'll move out and the engagement it-it's off" I said as he looked at me and nodded.  "So are we free to date anybody?" He asked as I looked at him weird "you deadass moving fast?" I asked

"You broke it off with me so it shouldn't matter about what I'm doing" he said as I nodded "wow you cut deep when you don't get your way huh?" I asked then got up from the couch.

I started packing my things getting ready for our departure in the morning and tears started coming from my eyes but I hurried and wiped them hearing Tiffany.

"Baby are you okay?" She asked as I nodded "yeah I'm good, I'm just getting ready for us leaving in the morning" I said with with a smile.

She sat on the fully made bed and looked at me. "Don't lie to me" she said as I kept a smile plastered on my face. "I'm fine" I said "mhmm when you're ready to talk I'm here" she said before kissing my head and walking out.

I sat on the bed and packed Jamaria a things. I pray that everything works out with this instead of making it worse.

I looked in the mirror at myself and I seriously needed to get myself right with mental health, my health and happy with myself part of me think I jumped into this too fast but then again I love Erik this was going to be hard as shit.


We made it home the next day and Jamaria was sleep in her crib. I was packing some things and looking online for different hotels to stay at. Erik was out training so I had enough time to pack and book a hotel room for me to leave.

I wanted to stay but I knew I needed to go and two things I needed not to do was fall into depression and temptation because I will have Erik as a dick appointment.

I took my engagement ring off and placed it on the coffee table. I got up about to go upstairs as the front door opened. "Hey bae" he said walking up to me and kissing me as I kissed back then we looked at each other.

"This is going to be hard" he said as I nodded "yeah but we'll be back together once we get our shit together" I said about to go upstairs.

"Y/N" he called out as I turned "I'm sorry for what I said to you yesterday I should've never went that far" he apologized as I nodded and headed upstairs.

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