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"Oh my gosh she's so adorable!" Someone squealed as I seen Taraji P Henson. I almost lost it. "She's more adorable in person" she said looking at Jamaria as I giggled "you created a beautiful baby" she said as I smiled "Thank you" I thanked.

"And you are gorgeous!" She said hugging me as I hugged back smiling the rest of the cast came rolling in and introduced theirselves.

Bryshere shook my hand and smirked at me as I smiled.

He was cute and older than me by like 3 or 4 years

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He was cute and older than me by like 3 or 4 years. "Are you going to let my hand go?" I asked "only if you want me too" he stated as I giggled.

"Yeah that was corny and I have a child" I said taking my hand out his. "Oh I know, what was also corny was your man with some other chick at the club" he brought up as I rolled my eyes some.

"Basic ass man, I can't even be out of a relationship for a day before another man hops on" i smartly said "well how can we you're beautiful and talented" he said as I blushed some. "Oh I know" I said turning from him and talking to the producers they were talking $50k an episode only thing was I would have to leave to New York for two months.

The meeting was over and I was about to head out the door with my manager as someone called my name. "Y/N" I heard then turned as I seen Bryshere. "Can I help you?" I asked as my manager told me she was going to wait in the truck.

"What you here to shoot your shot?" I asked "why you got to be so mean?" He asked "I'm not mean I just don't put up with BS" I said as he chuckled "mmm you right, and I can tell you like playing hard to get" he said with a smirk.

"Don't let my fiancé come down here and lay that ass out" I said before walking off "it's all good you know we got a make out scene" he yelled behind me as I placed my middle finger up.

I got in the truck "you and Mr. Gray seemed to hit it off" Samantha started off as I shook my head. "He's a joke" I said in a chuckle. "Tomorrow they're all hanging out at the beach and wanted to know if you wanted to go with them" Samantha said.

"Yeah but don't I have practice for Coachella tomorrow "I moved somethings around so you'll be abled to go out with the empire crew tomorrow" Samantha started off.

"Tomorrow morning really early you have a rehearsal by yourself and then you're free to go do your activities." Samantha said.

"How early?" I asked as she chuckled "three so you better get that ass up" she said as I huffed. "This is what you wanted and I'm going to give it to you it's a tribute to Beyonce you can't give her a half ass tribute especially the way you're going in your music career" she said as I sighed "thanks Sam" I said as she smiled.

"Anytime so after rehearsal tomorrow just go have fun and get to know your cast members." She said as I laughed "I already know Jussie Taraji Damn there knocked me over to see miss Jamaria, Terrence been knew him, Trai wasn't even there and Bryshere is going to be a pain in my ass I see" I stated as she laughed.

"You'll be fine you guys will be on a private yacht with food,drinks and music" she said as I shook my head. "You already know I can't drink " I said sighing.

"I'm going to let you cheat tomorrow but after that back on your strict diet" she said  as I got excited and she laughed. "But strict diet the NEXT DAY" she said as I laughed.

"Besides I've seen the pictures and media you need a break" she said as I nodded "yeah are you abled to get my publicist or something on that?" I asked "we already started working on it sweetheart" she said as I nodded.

"Are you okay?" She questioned as I took a deep breath then smiled nodding. "Yeah I'm good, I'm just focus on trying to figure how to do this show, Coachella and tend to my daughter that's all" I said as she nodded.

"We'll make it work don't worry" she assured as i smiled. I got out the car and went into the house with a sleeping Jamaria. I placed her into her crib then closed the door. I went downstairs going to get a wine glass as it slipped out my hand breaking into pieces on the ground.

I started crying and started taking all the wine glasses out the cabinet and throwing it on the ground breaking them all and I broke down crying like a baby against the island. I slid onto the floor crying into my arms.

The doorbell rung as I ignored it, it rung again as I went to the door and opened "what?!" I asked and finally seen who was standing in front of me.

"You left Jamaria's toy at the meeting I just wanted to give it back to you" Bryshere said as I held onto my hand where I was cut at.

"You good?" He asked as tears started falling from my eyes and I shook my head.  "You need someone to talk to?" He asked as I started crying and he hugged me.

"I don't know what I did?" I said in between my tears as he rubbed my back. "Here come inside it's getting cool out here" Bryshere said walking me inside.

"We need to get you cleaned up" he said looking at my hand. He looked around on the glass he was stepping on it. "Damn What did you do?" He asked as I pinched the bridge of my nose with my good hand.

"I don't know I'm just angry about it, I trusted him and he knows what I've been through" I said

"You mind?" He asked holding onto my waist to put me on the island. I nodded as he lifted me up and started cleaning my hand up.

"I think that you need some space but before space you two need to talk and work something out whether it's being together or not-" he started off.

"What so you can have a chance now?" I asked as he chuckled then looked at me serious "no for the sake of your sanity and the child that you two have" he said as I got quiet.

"You don't blame anything on yourself don't apologize for anything you loved him and this is what he chose to do but you do sit down and talk to him because at the end of the day you are grown, you two got a child and you got to make your money" he explained as I nodded.

"Where's your broom?" He asked as I went into the pantry and he took it from me. "So instead of trying to say I'm like all men, I'm trying to hear you out instead of getting into your pants and help you work it out with Erik because for one the nigga might lay me out and two black love matters" he said as I faintly smiled.

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