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It was Jamaria's first birthday and I She was receiving gifts and balloons from different people I just placed all of it into the walk way of the house because we had to decorate everywhere else for the party.

It was Jamaria's first birthday and I She was receiving gifts and balloons from different people I just placed all of it into the walk way of the house because we had to decorate everywhere else for the party

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"Look princess" I said pointing to the number one. "You're one today" I stated as she smiled.

Erik came in the house with hella balloons. "Look daddy got balloons" I said as she clapped her hands and reached for Erik. I instantly smacked my teeth when she went to her.

"That's okay because when I get my boy and all over me you're going to miss me" I said as Jamaria looked away from me making Erik laugh.

"The Decorator is here" Erik stated as I walked out to the front seeing a big ass "1" balloon out in the yard.

"Spoiled as hell" I simply said walking back inside the house

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"Spoiled as hell" I simply said walking back inside the house. "Really Erik?" I asked as he chuckled.

"It's her first birthday leave her alone" Erik stated as I shook my head Jamaria was grabbing onto my leg smiling

"Yeah,yeah,yeah this the only reason why she wants you, you got to learn how to use them early Jay" I said picking her up and smirking at Erik as he smacked my butt making me laugh

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"Yeah,yeah,yeah this the only reason why she wants you, you got to learn how to use them early Jay" I said picking her up and smirking at Erik as he smacked my butt making me laugh.

"Daddy can't wait to smash some cake in your face" Erik teased "Erik you're going to smash cake in her face?" I asked "babe I bought a whole cake for that" he said going in the fridge as I just shook my head.

"It's okay because when you do it she's going to want me and not you" I teased as he laughed. "She's not going to cry she's fat like you" he joked as I hit him in his arm playfully.

"I'm not fat" I stated "my bad you sexy but you got a fat mentality" he said as I went to go get a knife. "Keep fucking with me" I stated as he laughed.

"I'm just playing baby you know I love you" he stated wrapping his arms around my waist and continuously kissing the crook of my neck making me giggle.

He then picked me up and sat me on the island then picked Jamaria up sitting her next to me.

Erik and I settled on a small first birthday because she's only 1 she's not going to remember anything. My grandmother was coming and I was happy because after she met this guy she just dipped.

"Jay you need to take a nap so I can give mommy something" Erik stated as I laughed and hit his chest playfully.

"Nah for real take a nap because you got people coming over in a couple of hours and you don't need to be yawning with that hot breath in nobody's face" Erik joked as I picked jay up.

"Tell daddy to shut up I got baby breath still" I said as she smiled "she ain't getting babied no more she's one with her big head." He said as got off the island with her in my arms.

"She get that shit from you with your big ass head" I said as he started chasing after me. "Jay you know daddy playing you my first baby girl" he said taking her from me and laying her head on my chest.

The party soon started and it was nice only close family was here and only family that I trusted. The party went on and on til about 6 o clock and people started leaving she got hella gifts from everybody.

I gave her a bath and placed her to bed for the night. Then I went downstairs and finished helping Erik clean up. "You went to get tested yet?" Tiffany asked.

"Tested for what?" I asked "to see if you're pregnant" she said as I laughed "no why would I be pregnant?" I asked.

"Well seeing as how you two are married and that you've been feeling under the weather lately" she explained as I giggled and shook my head. "No mama I'm fine, I've been taking birth control and plan B just in case I'm fine" I explained as she smirked.

"Mmhm" She hummed as I laughed "you sure are glowing" she said right before walking towards the front door.

"Ma she's not pregnant we already been through this" Erik said kissing her cheek.
"Tiffany leave them alone Y/N's not pregnant" will stated as Tiffany smirked at us.

"Mhm you nasties use protection from now on" she started off "oh and you look beautiful baby" she said to me as I smiled.

"Thank you" I thanked as they left out the door. We started laughing. "I ain't no damn pregnant" I stated. "I can't get pregnant right now anyway you got your world boxing championship next month and I have Coachella in April" I said as Erik chuckled.

"You're not pregnant" he said kissing my head as I smiled at him "looking thick today" I jokingly said squeezing his butt as he straight faced me and pushed me away making me laugh.

"Daddy I'm just playing you look sexy today" I said

"Daddy I'm just playing you look sexy today" I said

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as he smirked putting away the food. I smirked moving the food to the side on the island and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I kissed his lips as he pulled my body closer starting to kiss my neck making me giggle.

"I'm always sexy you're just trying to start something." He stated as I smiled and jumped onto him as he caught me and pecked my lips.

"Can you come to my rehearsal tomorrow?" I asked "you're supposed to be resting tomorrow" he said in a warning tone.

"Yes baby I know I'm not rehearsing everyone else is and I'm doing my outfit checks tomorrow too and I want you to see them" I said in a little cute tone as he chuckled.

"If you want me there then I'm there baby girl" he said kissing my lips. "You think jay enjoyed her day?" I asked him "yeah shawty knocked out.

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