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I woke up as Y/N was sleep right next to me. Her face was in my side and she was cuddled under me. She woke up slowly groaning some as I chuckled. "You good?" I asked "yeah my legs just hurt" she stated then sat up some.

You enjoyed your night?" I asked as she smiled "yeah but now I got to go to work" she said trying to get out the bed but I grabbed her body making her giggle.

I pulled her on top of me as she straddled my body then laid her head on my chest. "You start back up training tomorrow, so you better get the rest of your rest in today" she explained and smiled making me smile.

"Yeah but I don't want you to go" I said grabbing her butt making her giggle. "I got to put food in your stomach some way" she said then kissed my lips.

"But since I'm going to be with you training tomorrow I do think you can get some tomorrow you know if we have time" she said as I smirked.

"Wow! So you got to fit your dick appointment into your schedule?" I asked as she laughed "yeah because right now I'm supposed to be getting ready for rehearsals" she said trying to get up but I grabbed her waist.

"Bae I can't do another round your too big" she said as I chuckled. "you're a champ you got it" I said flipping us over and kissing her neck as she wrapped her arms around me.

I placed her into a doggy style position as she placed her hand on my lower ab looking back at me.

"Don't go fucking crazy like you're losing your mind either" she warned "don't tell me what to do" I said positioning myself as she jerk forward crawling to the other side of the bed and sat down looking at me "N'Jadaka I'm not playing" she said as I chuckled.

"I'm just playing quit being a baby" I said grabbing her hand as she got on her hands and knees. I positioned myself and grabbed her waist. "Besides I don't understand how someone who don't listen  and got a smart ass mouth don't know how to take dick." I said smartly.

"Are you going to put it in or not?" She asked with and attitude as I placed all my inches in at a fast pace making her yelp. "Erik fuck is wrong with you?" She questioned while moaning.

"It's just the tip stop whining" I said as she tried to kick me but I pinned her waist onto the bed. "Yeah go ahead and call them and tell them you can't go to rehearsal because you're buggin' this morning" I said tossing her phone in front of her as she moaned.

"Erik stop taking your sweet Time and- Ooommm" She started off til I cut her off by going a little bit farther. She moaned into the bed. "Fuck it's too big" she whined.

"It's okay take Daddy's dick" I said groaning moving back slowly. "Throw it back all the way to the tip" I instructed caressing her butt knowing her weakness.

She slowly went back then forward slowly but not going to the tip. "I said the tip" I repeated as she did it again going to the tip hearing her loudly moan.

"Right there baby girl, relax" I groaned as she squealed into the sheets. She placed her hand on my lower ab making me chuckle. "You're already creamin'?" I asked teasingly.

"Daddy I can't take no more" she moaned "go ahead and call your manager or I will" I said as she grabbed her phone but didn't do anything.

She moaned louder and louder as I started picking up my pace. "Call her while you're at call Catherine on my phone" I stated as she moaned trying to push me up but I grabbed her hand softly.

"Put your hands in front of you" I said as she kept trying to push me off. "You still don't like to listen after five months I see" I stated and did a hard thrust making her squeal.

"You want me to call them or place my arms in front of me which one?" She asked trying to be smart.

I snatched the phone from her calling her manager. "Don't make a noise either" I stated. Samantha answered on the third ring. "Hey Samantha it's Erik" I said while continuing to hit Y/N from the back. She placed her face in the sheets as her moans came out low and muffled.

"Hey Erik is everything alright?" Samantha asked "Nah she got sick she's throwing up and it's running a fever so I'm looking after her" I said as Y/N placed her hand on my thighs some.

"Tell her I said get well her health come before anything" Samantha said "okay bye" I said hanging up. "Oh fuck!" She yelled out as I grabbed one of her legs thrusting in and out of her at a fast pace.

"FUCK ERIK.. YOUR DICK IS TOO BIG!" She yelled out then giggled some trying to push me off.  I rubbed her clit and thrusted in and out of her as she started cumming.

You started hearing macaroni sounds after a while which made me speed up some. "Shit. Shit. Shit.Shit" she whined.

I pulled out and picked her up as her breathing was out of place. I smashed my lips into hers sloppily kissing her lips then her neck. "What are you doing now?" She asked out of breath as I took my lips from her neck.

"Before we leave I have to fuck you in every place of the house, then when we move break you in, in every place of that house" I explained as she smirked.

I placed her hands on the banister of the stairs and placed one of her legs on it also.
"No you're buggin'" she said as I slipped in and started pounding into her as I had my arm wrapped around her holding her close to my chest.

"Awwww fuck daddy!" She moaned as I sucked on her neck while thrusting. "Fuck you're tight" I groaned.

"W-where did you get all this fucking stamina from?" She asked as I rubbed her clit. "Not fucking you for five months" I said as she let out a moan.

I picked her up laying her on the steps and started flicking my tongue on her clit.
"Fuck!" She moaned trying to push my head away. I stuck my fingers in and curled them as she threw her head back.

I placed my mouth back on her pearl and started sucking and licking I moved my head side to side at a fast pace as she tried to push my head away "okay okay okay okay" she squealed trying to get away but I didn't budge.

I flipped her over and started thrusting into her again. I grabbed her hair thrusting into her as she squealed. "It's too much daddy" she moaned out.

"You can take it" I stated as I kept thrusting. "Daddy" she whined as I got a couple of more strokes in cumming for the second time.

I picked her up taking her down stairs into the living room. Laying her on the couch as she laid there out of breath. "E-Erik how can you even do this with a fucked up ribs?" She asked "when it's something you want you get it regardless of anything in the way" I said bringing her body to mine.

I kissed her lips as she kissed back then pulled away "I can't be having sex Erik I can't get pregnant" she said as I smacked my lips and kissed her spot on her neck while rubbing her pearl.

"I won't get you pregnant but let me have you, you're working constantly and I can never have you" I explained and kissed her lips passionately as she kissed back.

I wrapped her legs around my torso and I slipped in slowly going at a slow pace filling her up.

"God you're in my stomach" she moaned out at I kissed her neck. "You like that princess?" I asked as she moaned "Yes daddy" she moaned as I looked at her and kissed her lips softly.

"You sure you don't want to give me another baby girl?" I asked as she arched her back off the couch moaning. "I-it's like playing with the devil himself" she moaned as I chuckled and she smiled.

I kept thrusting as her face changed fast and her moans filled the quiet house.

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