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Erik and I were walking hand and hand on the red carpet as I held my award in the other hand. We stopped as he held my waist and we posed for pictures of us to be taken.

"So how you take this off because I'm taking it off" he said in my ear as his hand went to my lower back making me smile.

"Show us the ring!" One reporter yelled as Erik and I looked at each other and smiled. I placed my hand up as they started snapping away.

We continued down the carpet "it's a zipper in the back" I said as he smirked "congratulations baby girl" he said as I smiled and kissed his lips.

"When's the wedding?!" A reporters asked taking pictures "how long have you two been engaged?" Another asked as I just smiled for the cameras.

A female reporter came up to us smiling
"Between the performance, engagement and speech I bet you're feeling like a lucky man?" She asked Erik as Erik smiled.

"I do" he stated in a chuckle then the reporter looked at me and smiled.

"you did an absolute great job tonight
Y/N, how do you feel about performing with long time favorite , Grammy's winning Beyoncé?!" She asked

"It's was so fun it was an experience not too many people can do and I was just happy that I was abled to do it, it brought out a lot of potential and confidence I didn't think I had and My adrenaline is still up" I said as she laughed at the last part.

"You and her seem to have like a sister or auntie and niece bond" the reporter said as I nodded "yes that's auntie Yoncè" I joked as she laughed.

"From rumors floating around I heard you were also about to sign to Jay Z's label Roc Nation and also sign for your music to be under Tidal is that true?" She asked as I was confused.

"Who told you that?" I asked pulling her in some and whispering as she giggled "Jay Z and Beyoncé been throwing hints out that a new upcoming female artist was joining Roc Nation and their will be also on tidal" she said.

"No I don't think that's me" I said in a slight giggle. "So now on to the engagement we all suspected you two dating but didn't know that y'all were engaged , how long have you two been engaged?!" She asked excitedly.

"For like a couple of months" Erik stated as she smiled "and the way you did it was so surprising, you two claimed you weren't seeing each other and just was friends and then boom!" She said as we smiled.

"yes that was the plan but I could tell it took everyone by surprise and I'm sorry to all my fans that I kept this from y'all I know y'all got some words for me, and I love y'all each and everyone of y'all!" I said giggling and waving at the camera.

"So after that speech tonight does that mean baby number two is on the way?" The reporter asked as Erik smirked looking at me as I looked back.

"Baby number two? Number twooooo?!" I asked mimicking Soulja boy as they started laughing and someone hugged me from behind. "Yes they will" Beyoncé said smiling.

Then ran away as I looked back and shook my head making Erik and the reporter laugh

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Then ran away as I looked back and shook my head making Erik and the reporter laugh. "Jamaria mommy and daddy loves you!" Erik said as I smiled and made a kissy face at the camera, we continued down the rest of the red carpet.

"You want to go to the after party?" I asked "you are the after party" he said as I laughed "you too much" I said before we took a straight selfie on the red carpet before getting off and meeting different people.

The chauffeur opened the door to the truck as we walked hand in hand to the truck. Erik helped me with my dress to get in and then got in after me.

The door closed as we looked at each other. "You did good for your first performance" Erik complimented as I smiled. "Thanks I was scared i thought my stomach was going to drop to my ass." I admitted as he laughed and I kissed his neck softly and looked at him.

"Thank you for everything you do baby" I said as he smiled "I love you and you deserve it" he said kissing my head.

I yawned some "I'm so damn tired but my heart's beating fast" I stated making him chuckle "You straight it's all that adrenaline" he stated as we pulled in front of his mothers house seeing hella cars in the drive way down to the gate.

"What she got going on?" I asked as Erik helped me out the car. "I don't know" he said before we walked to the door ringing the doorbell.

"You did good baby" he said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my lips as I smiled. "I feel kind of sick now" I said making him chuckle "it's just the after affects of the performance you're okay" he said kissing my hand as I smiled and the door opened.

"HEY BABY YOU DID GREAT!" Tiffany exclaimed squeezing me as I smiled "thank you" I said before walking in seeing some of my family and Erik's as they all smiled at me and congratulated me.

"Bitch that performance was off the fucking chain" tori said making me laugh. "and that ass of yours" she started off causing me to giggle she showed me pictures she took of me performing as I smiled.

"Tonight we want to celebrate my future daughter in law and the achievements you have achieved. You have a beautiful voice and this is just the beginning sweetheart, you have a lot more to go and We're all here and happy to join you on the way of your achievements" Tiffany said before handing me a big bottle of champagne for me to pop.

I smiled as Erik took my things then grabbed the champagne popping it open. Tiffany took it and poured glasses for everyone as "Drip to hard" by lil baby and Gunna started playing.

"Thank your fiancé he's the one who thought of all of this and there is clothes upstairs for you two" Tiffany said smiling and hugging me as I smiled.

I grabbed his hand walking upstairs I dragged Erik into the room and started kissing his lips as it took him by surprise.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he started unzipping my dress. "Wait we got to wait we're at your moms" I said "you came onto me first" he said sitting on the foot of the bed looking at me.

"Thank you I know all of this was you" I said as he smiled and brought my body in between his legs.

"Stop thanking me you deserve it all, you put in the hard work and now it's paying off." He explained.

"Baby that's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about you, thank you for everything you do. If it wasn't for you inspiring me and my album none of this would've never been and I really really thank you and love you" I explained as he pulled me closer and I kissed his lips.

He laid back as I kicked my heels off climbing on top of him. I continued kissing his lips as he unzipped my dress. He took his lips from mine.

"Go change we'll finish when we get home I don't want to do no quickies no rushing  I want all of you and to make love to you" he said as I was a bit taken back but not in a bad way I smiled.

I kissed his lips one last time before getting up and changing.

APESHIT 2| Erik KillmongerXCreedWhere stories live. Discover now