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"All jokes aside I believe you and Erik need to see a therapist" Tori said "I agree two been through some traumatic ass shit" jasmine said as I sighed.

" Erik is not going to want to see no therapist" I stated "well one of y'all need to start going and I believe if you go he's going to want to start going too" Tori said as I shook my head.

"I'm perfectly fine" I stated "so everything from the past you're okay with and moved on from it? ALL OF IT?!" Tori asked as I sighed.

"Y'all really think we need it?" I asked "yes Erik wouldn't be so hard on you if what happened with his father didn't still hurt him til this day." Jasmine explained.

"Just do one session to open up, Erik and everyone knows you're still hurting" Tori said as jasmine nodded and agreed.

"Everyone? What are you talking about?" I asked "there's a reason why you're holding back from this wedding Y/N we're not dumb and it's okay the reasoning behind it" jasmine explained as tears started falling from my eyes and I hurried to wipe them.

"It's okay to have help" Tori said as I nodded and they hugged me. "I set up an appointment to talk to a therapists tomorrow" jasmine said before kissing my head.

"What do I do? I don't have feelings for lani but you know how he gets" I stated "say what you got to say and if he doesn't believe oh well" jasmine said shrugging.

I was rubbing through Jamaria's curls as she was sleep. " make him go to that therapist in the morning with you I already talked to my father and mother about it" jasmine said.

"Please don't tell me you told them things I went through?" I asked. As jasmine shook her head.

"No tell her" Tori stated nudging jasmines arm. "As your mother in law and father in law and people who loves you so much we needed to know" I heard Tiffany behind me as I looked at tori and jasmine.

"Don't be mad at them, you needed to talk to somebody, you're hurt and everyone just wants to help baby" she said hugging as tears fell from my eyes.

"I got to go start dinner, I'll see y'all later" I lied hurrying to wipe my tears. I picked Jamaria up putting her in the car strapping her in.

I got in the car heading home crying


After I blew my steam off at training I went back with Will to their house to see my mother and to see my niece Tara and my Nephew Isaiah. They are jasmines kids with her ex lately he's been acting like a bitch as far as taking care of his kids and making sure they alright.

He says he'll come and pick them up and never show. I got out the car as they ran to  me.

"What's up uncle Erik?" Isaiah asked dapping me up. "What's up!" I said with a chuckle "hey uncle Erik" Tara said as I picked her up kissing all over her face as she laughed.

"Why auntie go home?" Isaiah asked " yeah she was crying as she left" Tara stated  "I don't know let me call her" I said placing Tara on her feet pulling my phone out.

"Tell her to come back for dinner" Will said as I nodded and stood outside on the porch waiting as the phone dialed.

"Hello?" I asked once she answered "yeah?" She asked sounding like she's been crying for hours.

"What's wrong baby? You good?" I asked about to hop in the car and go straight to her. "I'm okay did your parents tell you what we're doing tomorrow?" She asked not sounding like herself  "no....baby I'm about to come get you, you're not sounding good" I said getting in the car.

"You two be ready" I said "Erik I'm fine" She said as I shook my head. "Be ready" I said before hanging up.

I ain't even mad about the ex girlfriend situation with her. I'm just curious is that the real reason why we haven't walked down the aisle yet?

I soon made it to the house and I got out taking Jamaria's car seat from her putting it in the car and strapping Jamaria in.

Y/N face looked drained she looked puffy in the face eyes. Even though her face was cleaned I knew she's been crying.

We got in the car and I started driving "what's wrong?" I asked as she shook her head.

"I'm good" she said placing a fake smile on "Y/N stop lying it's all over your face" I said as she looked out the window.

"Yo did a nigga try you?! , Do I have to beat a nigga ass!?" I asked looking between her and the road in all seriousness.

"No baby I'm fine" she said faintly smiling and touching my leg some. We pulled up in front of my parents house then we got out going into the house.

Y/N automatically sat on the couch as the kids came to her "are you okay auntie?" Tara asked as she smiled and hugged them "yeah I'm fine how about we go out tomorrow?" She asked them.

"We have school" Isaiah said "it's a Friday I'm sure I am check you two out which part of the day y'all hate so me and Erik can pick y'all up?" She asked.

"The end of the day I hate gym" Tara said as I chuckled "I hate all of it" Isaiah said as Y/N and I laughed.

"Look how about we just stay out all day?" Isaiah suggested as I chuckled. "Go Ask your mother" I stated as they ran to jasmine.

"Thing one and Thing two come here!" My mother stated to the kids from the kitchen as Y/N and I were just chilling on the couch.

"Y/N and ERIK!" My mother yelled as we got off the couch going into the kitchen.
"What's up?" I asked

"Tomorrow you two will be going to therapy" she stated as I was confused "why?" I asked with a chuckle "because you two need it so you're going" she stated.

"We don't really need it though" I said as will looked between Y/N and I.
"She needs it though" he started off "you do too all the things you two have been through needs to be talked about and let go, most of y'all arguments is out of fear and your past" Will said as we sat down at the island.

"You're angry about something and Y/N is hurting bad" will said. "No I'm not I'm fine" Y/N said as my mother turned around " baby if you're not hurting why are you crying ?" My mother asked her as Y/N looked away.

"You two are starting tomorrow" will started off as Y/N started helping my mother make dinner.

Will and I went into the living room as the kids jumped on me.

"and if you're not angry about anything and you're straight Erik just be there for Y/N, it's really for her" will stated as I nodded

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"and if you're not angry about anything and you're straight Erik just be there for Y/N, it's really for her" will stated as I nodded.

I understood that Y/N went through things but I didn't think it still bothered her she tells me all time she fine so I thought she was okay.

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