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It was the next day Erik and I was up at 4 am this morning at Coachella stage where I performed at Friday night going over all the sound, visuals and everything else.

We were sitting In chairs as we were looking at the light affects I wanted with the different sounds.

"I like that" Erik said as I agreed "so you're not doing the same performance as this weekend next weekend?" Erik asked.

"It's still the same performance I just saved somethings for the last performance." I explained as Jamaria was pointing to the lights.

"Say green" I stated pointing to the green colored lights. "Daddy" she said then started reaching for him as I smacked my lips. Erik smiled

"She just likes me better" he said shrugging then smiled in my face. "Shut up She don't want me right now" I said as he laughed.

"That's okay because when I get a boy that's it jay, you can have your little daddy" i said going on and on

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"That's okay because when I get a boy that's it jay, you can have your little daddy" i said going on and on.

"You hear mommy hating?" He asked jay as I hit his arm playfully. "She always got to bring up a boy like we ain't about to have a girl that's going to be another one of my shadows" Erik explained shaking his head as I glared at him.

"You mean to tell me you don't want a boy?" I asked "I don't care what we have as long as it's healthy" Erik said.

"Seriously you don't want a boy of your own?" I asked " I want one but I'm hooked on baby girls right now" he said kissing Jamaria's head.

"So you just going to let your last name stop at you?" I asked "yeah because I'm the best out of all of the Stevens" he said shrugging. "Besides if we have at least four girls one of them is guaranteed to be gay so she'll keep her last name" he joked as I hit his arm.

"Erik it's too early and what you mean at least 4?" I asked as he smirked "I'm trying to have as much as a starting line up of a basketball game" he stated as I gave him a look.

"You got me fucked up" I said as he laughed "You serious?" I asked "yeah" he said as I stared at him and he chuckled "no I'm just playing" he said "mhm" I hummed as we were soon finished with the visuals and everything. It was around 6 and the sun started rising. Erik was on the stage running after Jamaria as I was sitting on the edge of the stage just smiling and watching them.

"You trying to get some breakfast?" Erik asked as I nodded. We took a picture together with our hoods on as I threw up a peace sign.

Jamaria came to me "Nah go with your daddy since you leave me for him every time" I stated trying to push her away until she jumped onto me laughing as I laughed holding her.

"Mommy" she said as i was caught off guard. "Erik you heard her?!" I asked shouting some which scared her and she started crying some. "See you scaring my baby" Erik said taking her from me and bouncing her as she instantly went quiet.

I smacked my lips and rubbed my belly "You better be a boy" I said to my stomach as we went to go out to eat for breakfast.

We were at the restaurant and Erik childish trying to play footsies with me under the table. "Stop being weird" I said laughing as he laughed and caught my foot.

He took my slide off and started tickling my feet. "Stop" I said laughing and slouching in my seat. "Stop I'll do anything" I said laughing in between. "Anything?" He asked as I nodded trying to get my foot out of his grasp.

"When we get back to the house what you trying to do?" He asked smirking "boy by the time we get back someone is going to be aware" I said laughing.

"All you got to do it be quiet" he suggested "that's not going to wo-" I was cut off by him tickling my feet and I continued to laugh. "Okay, okay ,okay!" I said he smirked.

"But we're going to have to do it in the bathroom to make sure no hears because I'm guaranteed to make a noise" I said as he smirked and dropped my foot as I kicked him in the leg.

"That's okay I got your ass when we finished here" he said smiling as I smiled. We finished our breakfast and snuck back into the quiet house. Jamaria fell asleep on the way back to the house so placed her in her pack and play in one of the rooms and cracked the door some.

We went in our room closed the door and then went into our bathroom closing that door.

"It's quiet as hell in this house" I said as Erik took off his shirt. "You better go turn on the tv in the room. I walked out the bathroom and turned on the tv then walked back into the bathroom closing and locking the door.

"Don't go stupid my grandmother can hear everything" I warned as he chuckled picking me up putting me on top of the counter. "You'll be fine just don't be loud" he said and kissed my lips as I kissed back.

I pulled my leggings down then pulled his member out as he hit my thighs making me look at him.

He started kissing my neck as I smiled then I felt him slide in and I placed my hand on his chest. I continued giving me kisses on my neck and thrusting into me as my toes curled and I moaned.

He kissed my lips as he started thrusting faster causing our skins to clap and our moans to become louder. I gripped onto his back with one hand and leaned my head back moaning.

"Fuck daddy right there" I moaned out as he continued and my eyes rolled back some.

"Shhh" he said against my neck as he continued thrusting. I gasped as he continuously hit my spot. "Wait" I moaned out pressing my hand against his ab as he moved my hand and kissed my lips.

"You can take it Princess " Erik groaned as I took all of his inches and moaned loudly. I covered my mouth and moaned as they were muffled.

"I cant-" I moaned out grabbing onto his hand as he gripped onto my waist. "Yes you can" he groaned looking into my eyes as I shook my head. "Baby no I can't" I moaned then placed my hand on his chest.

"Oh God I can't take it" I moaned loud throwing my head back and placing my hand on his ab and cumming. "You good?" He asked as i lifted my head up. "Mhm....Yeah I'm good" I stated as he chuckled and slid back in slowly making me roll my eyes back.

I still had my arm wrapped around his neck and one arm supporting my body. Erik attack my neck and started sucking on my breast while thrusting.

I curled my toes and tried to hold in my moans but couldn't. "B-baby, it's too much" I moaned out as he started doing deeper strokes.

"Ahh" I squealed some "come on and take it" Erik said grabbing onto my neck some then started kissing it. "I love you" he said continuing his long slow strokes as I moaned.

"I l-love you too" I let out as my juices covered his member. I placed my hand on his chest as he bent down and started kissing my lips. I kissed back as he deepened the kiss and started thrusting.

I continued kissing his lips so I couldn't moan but it didn't work. I took my lips from his leaning my head back as he caressed my thighs and placed kisses on my neck.

"Cum for me one last time and I'll leave you alone" he said as my eyes rolled some. "It's too much daddy, I can't take it" I moaned.

"Yes you can because you're a big girl take it all" he said in my ear going faster as I squealed and felt him twitch. He placed one leg on his chest and gripped the other switching positions.

He started pounding as I moaned loudly covering my mouth trying to move from his member but he had a tight grip.

"I'm not stopping til you cum again" he stated as I gripped his muscular arms and felt my juices flow straight out. Erik slowed down as I felt his juices flow in me.

He pulled out getting on his knees in front of me. "No" I whined as he smirked and pinned my hands down beside me.

APESHIT 2| Erik KillmongerXCreedWhere stories live. Discover now