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Thank you sooo much you guys for love like this I really appreciate the support you guys have no idea❤️ Thanks BunnyRobinson6


I was sitting in the living room with Jamaria in my arms. The doorbell rung as I placed her in her bassinet and got the door seeing Belcalis. She smiled "You straight?" She asked as I let her in.

"No that bitch got me fucked up startig shit because he mad at me about certain choices I make" I stated as she sat me down.

"I know how it feels but you got more to worry bout you got a family and all she doing is trying to get her a quick bag she mad because you're here to stay, don't entertain that shit" she started off as I nodded.

"We basically came from the same thing same background a stripper trying to get out and you deserve this shit don't let her jealousy get to you and don't let no one tell you different" she said.

"I only did that to get through college and to leave" I stated "exactly my point you ain't really have a choice you wanted to hurry up and get out and the ones that are always talking had no fucking hand in you being where you're at now, you are a good person don't let her bring out another side and you look like a different person" she said as I smiled and she hugged me.

"I just felt like I needed to tell you that, I feel where you are coming from I'm not proud of everything I have done but I want to let you know so you won't be in a lot of things, just keep everything between you and your significant other because they can take a story and twist it into many stories." She explained as I agreed.

"Just keep doing you" she said as I nodded and she hugged me "now where little mama at?" She asked as I pointed to her bassinet. "Damn she look like her father" she said as we laughed "yes too much" I stated.

"Your stripper secret I'm taking that to the grave with me and you know that, all that shit is irrelevant your skills is what's important always remember that" she said as we wrapped pinkies.

"You're going to be straight" she said hugging me one last time as I smiled. "Come out to my performance on Friday though if you can" she started off "I know you got little miss boxer" she said tickling Jamaria's belly.

"Okay thanks for everything" I said as she nodded "no problem" she said as I let her out. She had a point I just needed to keep my head up and keep my mind on my family and my money.

I picked Jamaria up and flipped to the channel where they were doing an interview on Erik.

"Being that you and Y/N are So close and rumors going around that you two are dating and possibly engaged is that true?" The interviewer asked Erik as he smirked.

"No they're rumors for a reason but she is a dope and beautiful person, I wouldn't mind talking to her" he said smirking and winking as the interviewers went crazy.

I just laughed and shook my head
"Now the baby rumors between you two are they true?" He was questioned as Erik chuckled.

"Again rumors, no she never got pregnant a second time and she's single to a certain degree, now I would love to give her a baby, that'll be nice" he stated as I laughed.

Erik is too much, but I understand what he's trying to do and we agreed to doing that.

"When will it be your next fight?" He got asked " right now I'm taking time off enjoying myself, in the gym doing other things and I'll probably be in another fight like in a couple of months" he stated

"Now back to the Y/N rumors that must be cleared" the interviewer started off as they chuckled. "What are y'all to each other?" He got asked "we are friends, we talk probably every other day we go out a lot also" he said.

"Yeah because TMZ found you two and two others out yesterday at a suit bridal store" the interviewer said as the picture of us popped up.

"It's for our friends they are having a wedding that's coming up soon and she's the maid of honor and I'm the best man" he stated.

"So you two will be walking down the aisle with each other?" He got asked as Erik nodded.

"Hopefully that's not the last time you two walk down an aisle together" the interviewer stated as Erik laughed.

"i mean it would be nice but Nah we're just friends" he stated smiling "so is there someone special in your life?" The interviewer asked as Erik smiled.

"Yeah I'm in a relationship we're taking it slow" he said as I smiled. If everybody just minded their business then we wouldn't have to put on a front but people are just so nosey.

I turned the TV to another station seeing my girl Bey, I always wanted to meet her, I'm a huge fan my ass is apart of the bey hive.

She was doing an interview which was the first in like forever. She was talking about different things.

"So how do you feel about upcoming artist Y/N?" They asked as I was nothing compared to her so I was waiting for the criticism to start.

"She can sing, she is doing so good for her first song coming out to her first album being out she is doing great!" She started off.

"And I heard her voice before I seen her I was in the car with jay and "God is a woman" came on , and I loved it!" She said as I smiled.

"I really wish that people weren't so mean, she is beautiful and talented at the end of the day it's about her voice and her skill set that's why I hate that we're in an age that everybody needs to have something to look at? There's a lot of females out here that cannot sing but everyone praises them because of their looks" she stated.

"What would you say to her if she was here?" The interviewer asked "keep doing you, you are an amazing person and one day I would LOVE to work with you" she said as I smiled.

"I'm your biggest fan next to blue, blue loves you too" she stated before laughing as I giggled.

APESHIT 2| Erik KillmongerXCreedWhere stories live. Discover now