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The ride home was so quiet you could hear Jamaria's light breathing in the back seat. i was sitting there as I felt some pain and felt lightheaded. We made it home and Erik parked the car.

I sat there for a minute about to say something but he got out and took Jamaria with him in the house. I sighed then got out the car going into the house locking the door.

I went upstairs into the room we share and watched him start changing into some out clothes.

"Are we going to talk about it?" I asked "you've been keeping it hush for so long why do we need to talk now" He stated pulling his joggers up.

I shook my head and took off my heels "where are you going?" I asked "don't worry about it" he simply said as I looked at him.

"Fuck you mean don't worry about it?" I asked "you're keeping shit Away from me why I need to tell you anything?" He asked while placing on his sneakers.

"Yeah but it's midnight where the hell you going?" I asked. "What Time was it when you decided to do a tour?" He asked as I just smacked my lips and walked out the room.

I seen Jamaria in her crib sleep in her pajamas. I closed her door then went back in our room. "You deadass right now?" I asked as he got up from off the bed.

"Yeah just let me go Y/N" he said as I looked at him. "What happened to talking?" I asked "Y/N you don't even talk to me so why talk to you about where the fuck I'm going?" He asked as I just looked at him and nodded.

I then stepped to the side letting him walk pass me. I got undressed then took me a nice warm shower. I soon got out the shower and heard blasting music.

I threw on my robe and peeled downstairs over the balcony not seeing Erik anywhere. I went in the garage where he was hitting the punching bag.

 I went in the garage where he was hitting the punching bag

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I went and paused the music as he finally looked up at me. "Y/N what the hell?" He asked "no what the fuck, your daughter is upstairs sleep" I stated as he smacked his lips going to get a drink.

I went out the garage slamming the door, I was on the second step to going upstairs as I heard "Humble" by Kendrick Lamar.
I smacked my lips going to slip on some clothes because I was about to fuck this nigga up.

I placed on some leggings and a bra going downstairs and going out the garage door into the garage. I paused the music again as he looked at me and took a swig of his drink.

"Stop fucking with the music Y/N" he stated "no your daughter is sleep turn the shit down just because you ain't tired doesn't mean nobody else in this house or in the neighborhood isn't tired" I stated as he grabbed my hand from touching the beats pill.

"Stop because you being petty now" he stated "how the fuck am I be-" he cut me off by continuing to play "Humble" at the highest sound on the beats pill.

"YOU DEAD ASS RIGHT NOW?!" I asked yelling over the music watching him continue to punch the punching bag.

I grabbed the beats pill and threw that shit with all my force on the ground making it break as the music stopped and he looked at me.

"You dead ass Erik?" I asked walking up to him and pointing at him. "Yo you being mad disrespectful right now, I ain't just some bitch I'm your fiancé a woman who you want to marry a woman you got on your fucking knees too remember that shit, you don't fucking cut me off like that period." I stated

"Who you talking to?" He asked "you, you acting like you don't know who the fuck you dealing with." I said.

"You just broke my shit because YOU MAD I ain't talking to you, you don't let me know shit" Erik stated looking me in my eyes before rolling his.

"Fuck all that being mad shit I could fucking careless if you talk to me, I told you Jamaria was sleep and you going to start that bullshit up after I tell your ass and when I'm talking to you, you going to cut it on" I said.

"You buying me another One" he stated "I ain't buying shit" I said about to walk out the garage but he shouted my name "You buying me another one" he stated again.

"Buy your own shit" I stated walking back in the house as I heard him behind me. "You need to remember who the fuck you talking too" Erik said as I kept walking.

"Remember who the fuck even put you onto music" he said as I turned "this is exactly why I ain't want your fucking help with anything to begin with" I started off.

"Yeah you got me in the studio and encouraged me to put my first singles out on Apple Music but you ain't singing shit, ain't helping to write shit so do you have a fucking say in me going on tour?" I asked.

"Hell do you have a say in anything concerning music?!" I questioned as he glared at me.

"You mad and I shouldn't be? You ain't say shit about your tour you can talk about everything else but not a damn tour?!" Erik asked walking up to me.

"This is news I'm just finding out, And it was just talks if you would listen to me, we got more important shit to talk about like Jamaria and I not being safe in this damn house" I said.

"What you mean not safe?" Erik asked looking at me in seriousness. "Your fucking girlfriend, Layla threatened me and Jamaria" I said.

"What did she say?" He asked "Layla basically said I better hope Jamaria and I don't blow into pieces" I said as Erik walked over to me slowly.

"So I'm waiting on the tour , another baby , the wedding all of that until you and I get situated and not in any type of danger and our daughter isn't in any danger." I explained as Erik tried to hug me.

"I'm sorry baby girl" he said as I shook my head "Nah because I'm tired of every time we argue you throw in my face what the fuck You did for me and I should be grateful about what YOU did because it would've never happen if it wasn't for YOU" I expressed.

"Yo I just apologized why are you about to start arguing again?" He asked

"I'm expressing and talking to you because you act like I need you" I said "so you don't need me?" Erik asked as I just looked at him.

"Y/N you need to fucking humble yourself because nobody else was by your side when I met you and even before that, niggas was beating on you and raping you and when I came into the picture I put a stop to all that nobody else but me" he said striking a soft topic.

"Mother fuc- Erik you need to humble your fucking self because until you met me your ass wasn't in a right state of mind and you know that, you make it seem as if I need you to fucking survive there was a time I ain't even fucking know you" I said.

"So it's like that?" He asked "yes my nigga it's like that and I've been like that since day fucking one when you first met me so this ain't got shit to do with the fame" I started off

"If you want to make a woman feel like that then go be engaged to someone else because you know I don't play that shit I rather be left alone then deal with a man who's controlling or treats me as if I need him. Ive been through that shit before and I'm not doing it again" I said before running upstairs.

APESHIT 2| Erik KillmongerXCreedWhere stories live. Discover now