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I was driving to where Y/N was practicing at to surprise her with jamaria. I parked the car and got jay out the car.

I walked in with her in my arms as I walked into a building with big open space

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I walked in with her in my arms as I walked into a building with big open space. Y/N was going over dance moves with her choreographers which she had a lot.

Y/N sat down next to her choreographer as they were looking at the dancers dance. I came behind her as she turned "hi baby!" She squealed taking Jamaria and getting up.

She pulled me away from everything "what are you doing here?" She questioned. "Came by to bring jay to see you and watch your practice" I said as she smiled.

"That's nice and all but my girlfriend is already here" she said as my smile dropped "your What?!" I asked as she just smiled. "You dead ass right now?" I asked as she just smiled and voiced Jamaria.

"So we moving on?" I asked as she sighed "Erik I got to go practice not here" she said "Wait so that's why you didn't want to sleep with me?" I asked as she sighed.

"Erik we can talk later...please?" She asked as I nodded. "Besides I ain't dating nobody I did that to mess with your head" she said looking me up and down while smirking and handing me Jamaria.

I just smirked and watched her walk away
I sat down as everyone was trying to talk to me after hours her practice was over.

"I'm so sore" she whined taking Jamaria from me. "I can take that away" I said smirking "yeah HaHa very funny" she sarcastically stated as I chuckled.

"What you about to do?" She asked "go home" I said with a simple shrug. "You can come over for a while and spend sometime with Jamaria" she said bouncing jay and kissing her face.

"Spend sometime with you or her?" I asked as she looked me up and down. "Your daughter" she said walking off making me smirk.

Jamaria rode with Y/N back to her house as I followed. Once we were there we made it. We walked in as Y/N kicked off her heels then sighed in relief.

"I'm so hungry" she said going into the kitchen grabbing an apple. "A apple isn't going to do anything" I said in a chuckle as she sat Jamaria on the island.

"I'm on a strict diet I can't eat damn there anything" she said "I miss the plumped you don't be losing all of it" I said as she laughed.

"Nah I'm always going to be thick I just lost some of my boobs" she explained.
"Stop your diet" I stated as she laughed.

"You look good, you're skin is glowing and you look beautiful" I explained as she smiled. "Aw thanks" she said "you ain't pregnant are you?" I asked as we laughed.

"No I can't right now I got things to prepare for" she said in a giggle. "I take Jamaria while you go clean up" I said as jay crawled to me on the island and I picked her up.

She soon came back downstairs with one of my shirts on as a gown. "I've been looking for that shirt" I said as she giggled and stuck her tongue out at me.

"Damn she fell asleep?" Y/N asked as I nodded and handed Jamaria to her. She took her upstairs to her room then came back downstairs and fell onto the couch next to me.

"I'm so damn drained good thing I don't have to show up for practice tomorrow" she said with her hand over her face.

"After all of this, this better be a good ass performance" I said "and if it's not?!" She asked as I chuckled "Erik don't play with me" she said as I laughed and rubbed her feet.

"What are you doing?" She asked "rubbing your feet you've had a long week" I said as she smiled and I continued "mmm" she hummed as I moved to the other foot rubbing it.

I begun to kiss her legs as she giggled "stop" she said with a giggle. I moved up to her thighs as she watched me and moaned some.

I moved up to her neck then her lips as she kissed back. We moved our lips in sync as we started getting deeper and sloppier.

I pulled her on top of me as we didn't break the kiss I gripped her butt bringing her closer to my chest.

She pulled away "Nah we can't do this" she said about to up but I grabbed her body placing her on my face and started licking her pearl.

"Move" she whined trying to break away but I continued going earning moans from her. She started cumming as she moved away from my face and got up.

I got up and followed her "Y/N what's wrong?" I asked in a sigh as she shook her head "nothing" she stated "then why do you have an attitude?" I asked "your face tells it all before you start lying" I interrupted as she sighed.

"Erik I'm trying to create boundaries we're on a break to fix ourselves and I just keep giving into you. I'm hungry as hell and horny as shit so yes I have an attitude because I don't want to touch you at all" she explained as I picked her up sitting her on the dining room table then kissed her lips.

"It's okay to give in, it's been five months and I haven't had any and you think I don't have an attitude, you left for five months barely even wanted to speak to me the first two I haven't fucked with any other girl and I'm horny as hell so what's the difference?" I started off as she just kissed me and I kissed back. She took off my shirt as she went back to kissing my lips.

"You got a condom?" She asked as I just looked at her. "No" I stated "then you ain't getting none" she said with a little laugh and got off the table. "I thought you were on the pill?" I asked.

"I am but I can't take no chances" she said as I smacked my lips and picked her up.

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