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I was finally discharged from the hospital after 5 days and I was on a crutch so on my good side to walk a little better. Y/N placed on my sunglasses for me as she placed hers on.

"You need to speak to Hov when you get home they were worried about you a lot in fact they came up to the hospital for you" I informed as he smiled. "They did?" I asked as she nodded.

"Damn that shows you who got your back" I said as she nodded. "Yeah Besides everyone else they're the ones in the industry who came to the hospital" she said and placed my hoodie on.

She was about to walk away but I grabbed her hand she turned and looked at me.
I kissed her lips as she kissed back slowly then pulled away and smiled.

She placed her hand on my lower back walking with me slowly as security guards were blocking reporters out the way and clearing the way for us to get to the truck.

Y/N helped me in and sat next to me before the chauffeur closed her door. "Can I help you this go round instead of fighting?" She asked "I'm honestly tired of fighting, you can take care of me like a baby for all that I care as long as you're next to me" I said making her smile.

"Awwwww look at my little Erik Pooh" she squealed trying to grab my face as I chuckled pushing her away from me.

We finally made it back to my place as we walked in and we sat on the couch. She turned on the TV as I looked over at her.

"What's up, you need anything?" She asked as I smiled "Nah I'm straight baby" I said groaning some. "I'm going to make dinner let me know if you need anything." She stated going away into the kitchen.

The bell rung as I tried to get up "nu-uh sit your ass down" Y/N said pointing to me then running to get to the door.

"He's sitting on the couch" I overheard her say as I seen jasmine and everyone flood into the living room smiling with balloons, cake and food.

"Hey baby" my mother said kissing my head then I dapped up Will and Steelo. "Hey uncle Erik" Isaiah said as I smiled and dapped him up.

"Hey little brother how you feeling?" Jasmine asked as she sat next to me and hugged me softly. "I'm straight you all didn't have to come over I'm fine" I said groaning some at my pain.

"Baby That's exactly why we're coming over here, something worse than this could've happened to you" my mother said setting everything up.

Y/N was rolling the camera footage back on the TV. "Oh I'm going to get this nigga" she said taking pictures and videos of the incident on the TV then she downloaded it onto a camera.

"You all take pictures and a video just in case because I'm putting Ricky away for good" she said as everyone did as told. She downloaded the footage onto her iPad.

Y/N helped me over to the table as we sat down for dinner. "So are you still doing the tv show Y/N?" My mother asked her as she shook her head no.

"Why?" I asked "because I meant what I said about you, you're not about to push yourself like last time and I'm going to watch over you I might even cancel Coachella." she added.

"Why? I'm straight" I stated and started coughing as she looked over at me to see if I was okay. "Erik you're more important than money and fame I could've lost you but I didn't" she started off.

"Will, he wants to try and be in the championships but I'm staying with y'all when y'all train to make sure I have an input"  Y/N said strictly as will smiled.

"It's going to be hot......as hell" he warned "I'm straight just tell me when we starting"  Y/N stated then looked over at me.

"No I'm not letting you be all in that heat"
I said as she looked at Will "I will be fine" she said disregarding everything that was said.

After dinner was finished and everyone left Y/N was cleaning up. I slowly walked into the kitchen while holding my ribs and wincing some and started trying to help but I seen tears fall from her eyes.

"You good baby girl?" I asked as she hurried and wiped her tears away then smiled. "Yeah" she simply said going back to washing the dishes but I stopped her by turning the sink off.

"Nothing I'm just thinking because you never know when we're going to lose each other" she said as it started cutting deep due to everything that's been a going on with other couples.

"Yeah that's why we cherish each other now all that bickering and fighting sometimes be unnecessary you do that shit so you can get some dick" I said smirking and trying to make her feel better.

"No that's you" she said with a giggle as we kissed each other. "Oh I got something for you" I remembered and disappeared "ERIK YOU NEED TO REST!" She yelled as I chuckled going upstairs slowly.

I looked in my drawer and found the small velvet box. I went downstairs as she was finishing the kitchen. I sat the box on the island and was about to get on one knee but Y/N turned and stopped me.

"No because you might not make it back up" she said before laughing "shut up" I playfully said as I took the ring out the box and slid it on her finger.

"We need to hurry and get married time is so precious and this whole accident was for us to open our eyes and see that either one of us can be gone in an instant" Y/N said which shocked the hell out of me.

"Too many people out here are being taking from their significant other early and baby I want to get married now and and have more babies before it's too late and I regret it" Y/N explained as I smiled some.

"Okay we need to set a date or something we still didn't even do that" I said as she shook her head "No I'm talking about a minister, the courthouse something Quick.  we get married now and have the wedding ceremony later right now I want you." She explained.

"Right now?" I asked smiling as she nodded smiling and wiping a tear from her eyes. "Tomorrow we'll find someone only invite immediate family and get married" she stated as I smiled and kissed her lips.

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