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"Two to three weeks?! I don't have that kind of time I'm supposed to be performing next week" I stated as the doctor nodded.

"I know so if you take your supplements and take it easy you can be ready by your performance" the doctor informed as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Y/N stop stressing about it I'll let T'Challa know and we can push it back some" Erik stated as I sighed. The doctor walked out as it was just me and Erik.

"What did the doctor say?" I asked "you have to get a blood transfusion" Erik stated standing up and walking towards me.

"A blood transfusion from who?!" I asked "from me, we are a match so I said I would do it, right now they're testing a sample to see if I have anything wrong" Erik explained as I sighed and covered my face.

"Erik don't do that I don't need a blood transfusion, I'm perfectly fine" I stated sitting up some feeling some pain in my sides.

"This blood transfusion is life or death for you and I'll be damned if you die and there was something I could've did to prevent it from happening" Erik said sitting on the hospital bed looking at me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked "Erik I'm not about to start this tour bull shit back up" I said as he took my hand from my face.

"That's not what I'm talking about, you've been feeling like this and didn't tell me anything why?" He asked.

"At first I thought it was my period maybe then it didn't come, I thought I was pregnant but I took a test and it said negative so I just went with the motions waiting until after Steelo and Tori's wedding so I can pull through that and the Wakanda outreach opening then go to the doctors" I explained.

"Babygirl your health is more important than all of this and if you're feeling any type of pain or discomfort you need to let me know so we can get medical attention this could've been far more worse" he explained as I looked at him.

"Thank you Erik" I said and reached my arms out to hug him and kiss him as he chuckled.

"Don't thank me I can't watch this happen and not do anything about it" he said as I faintly smiled.

"Sorry about last night" I apologized "I'm sorry babygirl you didn't deserve how I was treating you and this was all a reality check" he said as I nodded and I grabbed his hand.

"I wasn't taking off the ring anyway" I said as he chuckled. " I already knew we were going to talk today anyway" he said as I giggled some.

"We need to think about moving, only because people have easy access to our house and now everyone knows our address due to my aunt and Layla" I explained.

"It's time to we need privacy and Jamaria's safety" I said as he nodded. "Then it's all yours, any house you want" he stated as I smiled and grabbed his hand.

"It's not about just me, especially if we plan on having a little family we need to have space for them too" I said as he smiled.

"Are you pregnant?" Erik asked with a little grin as I giggled and shook my head. "No but give it a couple of more years or after whenever this "tour" is going to be" I said as he smiled.

"I'm sorry about yesterday again, I know I got to let you go and let you do your thing but I just don't want nothing happening to you and you are taken away from me" he explained.

I believed Erik has Adult separation anxiety. He's not close with too many people but the people he is close too he's real protective over them but if it's me he's not clingy but he's scared I'm going to go somewhere and something happens. I believe it all stems from when he was a kid.

Whether Erik knows or not he was going to come on tour with me anyway because I know how he gets.

"Is there anything you need to talk to me about?" I asked him as he shook his head "you sure?" I asked in a giggle "Nah I'm straight you need to talk to me about anything else?" He asked.

"What colors is our wedding going to be?" I asked as he chuckled "I don't even know we've been caught up in everything else" he said as I agreed "we don't even have a date" I stated as he chuckled.

"We can have a pastor come to our house do it in secret then have a wedding later" I suggested "yeah" Erik said smiling as I smiled and turned on the TV that was in the room.

"Erik Stevens and Y/N Y/LN, are both nominated for back to back awards, first was the Grammys and now it's the Boxing 2019 awards for Mr. Stevens" one of the sports commentators started off.

"Stevens also has been nominated to enter in the ring with 7 other opponents across the world in an elimination knockout fight called the "World boxing super series" to win the Muhammad Ali award which will be taking place later On this year in Rio ." They informed.

"As far as the 2019 boxing awards Stevens has been nominated for "Fighter of the year, The comeback award, worlds #1 heavy weight, Best fight of the year Stevens vs. Pursue and also the Muhammad Ali Legacy Award " the commentator said as I smiled.

"Do you guys think he's actually truly ready for this, it's his first year in the boxing world and he's breaking down boundaries but this is the super series we're talking, different strengths from around the world til it's a knock out, do you think he will pull through?!" One commentator asked.

"Stevens will be fine with the right people in his corner he's going to take back the win for his country, he's going to take that trophy home and his 50 million home no doubt"

The commentator stated backing Erik up "he's had an amazing year this one should be like the last and if I know Erik he's going to come better than last year" the third commentator said making me smile.

"Damn 50 million?" I asked as he nodded "yeah and 10 million each knock out" he stated sitting back in his seat looking at the TV attentively.

"You're going to go aren't you?" I asked kind of afraid. "I want to go but when do I get what I want with will?" He asked in a chuckle...

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