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It was the next day, Y/N and I sat down and she was really calm about talking about this situation. "Erik be honest with me about the situation did you two have sex?" She asked.

I was already honest about the situation and already been caught so what was the whole point of lying. "No Y/N I didn't sleep with her but she did kiss me and we were dancing on each other at the club" I explained as she took a deep breath.

"Did she come to the house at all?" She questioned "no that was it nothing more nothing less you can even ask Steelo" I said as she shook her head. "No if I got to do all of that there's not trust and Erik I trusted you don't you get it?" She asked.

"This is why I didn't want to have a boyfriend, husband ,fiance none of that for this example right here, what was the reason?" She questioned.

"Honestly I was drinking got drunk and was upset about us" I said as she sighed "Erik I love you I only took the break because we needed it the whole point was to fix our issues like trust then come together to keep on moving not back slide" she explained.

"Yeah but you don't know how angry I felt when you were doing songs with different men and living your life without me that shit hit hard and I thought you wasn't going to come back, your fame grew hella more once we took our break" I explained.

"Erik I would trade all of this shit for you don't you get it? I didn't do anything with anybody for five months because who I want is you" she said as I looked away and a tear fell from my eyes.

"N'Jadaka are you crying?" She asked in a giggle "don't play with me Y/N you know I'll cry over your ass" I said with all jokes aside as she giggled and tried to wipe my face but I dodged her wiping my own tears.

"Well I'm going to tell you this now, I'm now apart of empire cast but it does involve me kissing another man and I didn't want to not tell you that because I know how you can get" she explained as I nodded.

"Oh hell no" I said as she giggled "too late" she said before getting up. "So where do we stand?" I asked as she sighed "I mean I forgive you" she said as I stood over her smirking.

"Don't be a smart ass it's too early" I stated "I can do whatever I please, since you want to act up on social media" she said trying to get out of my grip but I kissed her neck making her giggle.

"Let me take you out tonight" I stated as she looked at me. "Yeah we got to talk about this whole New York empire situation thing" she said before walking out the door going home.

I started getting ready for training then was thinking about where the hell Y/N going this early in the morning.
I called Y/N's phone "hello?" She asked "yeah where the hell you going this early?" I asked "to rehearsal then I'm going out to the beach with the rest of the empire cast so I can get to know them more" she started off "Wait a minute, why you worried about it?" She asked "what you mean WhY yOu WoRrIeD aBoUt iT?" I mocked as she huffed.

"What time you want me to be ready?" She asked "can you be ready by 8:30 or are you too busy for me?" I asked "Erik get the hell off my phone" she said as I laughed.

"Bye I got rehearsals" she said as I smiled "Y/N" I said "what?" She asked "I love you" I stated "mhm" she said before hanging up.

I chuckled and got ready to go meet Will to train. There was a knock on the door as I seen Ricky. "The fuck you here for and how you know where I stay?" I asked as he started swinging at me and I punched him in the face and continued punching until Ricky punched my still recovering rib. I heard a crack and I groaned instantly, he then punched me in my face as I grabbed his neck and started punching him in his face repeatedly.

Ricky got up and pulled out a gun "you know if you're nominated to box this year in the world boxing championship for the U.S. and I'm runner up if something happens to you then I am next in line. I came to far to lose to your punk ass" he said as I looked at him.

"Do what the fuck you got to do then" I said as he smirked.


I was rehearsing as I was thinking about what I was going to wear on this date tonight. "You're not focusing" my dance choreographer said as I smiled thinking about Erik. "I'm sorry" I said as my phone started ringing and I went to go get it.

"Hello?" I answered "Y/N you need to come to the emergency room now!" Tori shouted as I was confused "Wait, whats wrong?!" I asked as she was crying "Erik was shot you need to hurry!" She said as I was lost for words.

"O-okay I'm on my way" I said stuttering over my words and running out of rehearsals rushing to the hospital crying my eyes out. The news was spreading around the internet and social media so I knew it wasn't a prank or anything.

Once I got to the hospital I didn't even park the car before hopping out I ran into the emergency room crying. "Where is he?!" I panicked as Steelo and Will stopped me but I tried getting passed them.

"Where is he?!" I asked with tears streaming down my face. "Are you here for Mr. Stevens?!" A nurse asked as I pushed Will and Steelo off of me. "Yes I'm his wife" I stated "we brought him into an emergency surgery to take out the bullet just be calm and let the doctors do the procedure he should be fine" she assured.

"Should be?" I asked about to start fucking everybody up but Tiffany pulled me away. "You have to calm down baby" she said as tears ran down my eyes. Tiffany hugged me as I broke down into her shoulder.

"He'll be fine sweetheart" she assured me as I continued crying. My phone vibrated as I ignored it. "Yo is he okay?" I heard as I turned seeing Hova and Bey they came in disguises risking everything to see if Erik was good.

"We don't know yet he's in surgery and they're trying to remove the bullet that's in stuck in his rib" Tiffany explained as I felt Beyonce hug me. "He's going to be fine" she said as I sniffed and she handed me a tissue.

I wiped my eyes "thank you for you guys coming you didn't have to come" I said as jay hugged me also. "You guys are family you guys will be in our prayers when you find anything out let us know" jay said as I nodded.

Bey kissed my head "give Jamaria a kiss for us" jay said "call me as soon as you hear anything and keep your prayers up he'll be fine he strong" Bey reminded me as I nodded and they hurried up holding their heads down away from paparazzi then soon reporters started coming in and bombarding everyone.

The hospitals security got back up and started pushing them out the door. The doctor called only me Tiffany and will in to sit out the surgery room to be safer while everyone else went home. Tiffany started leading in prayer as I got a whole bunch of get well and prayers from different celebs cardi tried to call me but I wasn't feeling up to talking.

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