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We made it back to the hotel room freshened up then the doctor started checking Y/N out. Absolutely nothing was wrong with her.

"It could've been just a bug" the doctor stated as Y/N nodded "but to stay on the safe side" he started off then handed Y/N a pregnancy test.

"Just take it just in case because you also said you was tired a lot lately and throwing up it could only be one or the other at this point" the doctor said.

"Okay thank you for looking at her" I thanked "yeah thanks" Y/N said walking him out the door. She closed it and Y/N placed the tests on the table then pushed me on the bed.

"Do you realize what you did tonight?" She asked excitedly as I chuckled and sat up holding onto her waist "you are the heavy weight champion in the world you will be in the hall of fame your name will be in books why aren't you excited?" She asked.

"I am excited I'm just sleepy and ready to go home" I said as she smiled and gave me a kiss on the head.

"That's all I get?" I asked "you said you were tired" she stated as I started kissing all over her face making her giggle. I just looked at her as she smiled.

"What?" She asked "Thank you" I thanked "for what?" She questioned confused. "Everything that you do if it wasn't for you I would've never been here tonight, if it wasn't for you I would've never been in a position like this" I stated as she smiled and kissed my lips.

"I love you Y/N I really do" I expressed "aww Erik I love you too" She said as I started kissing her neck slowly. "Wait do you think I need to take that pregnancy test?" She asked as we both looked at it.

"Nah............." I said as we were still looking at it. "I don't know that test can change the course of everything with performing at Coachella" I said as she looked at me.

"Erik I'm pregnant" she said as I looked at her confused "you're pregnant?" I asked as she nodded and tears started forming in her eyes.

"Stop crying, why are you crying?" I asked wiping her tears. "I didn't want another one, Jamaria was a miracle baby I don't want to do this again" she said as I looked at her and took a deep breath out before hugging her.

"We're going to have this baby and if we don't I'm going to keep trying until we do until we have as many kids as we want" I said rubbing her back as she sniffled.

She got off of my lap and grabbed the tests going to go take it. After about five minutes I walked in the bathroom seeing her sitting on the toilet seat with her hands on her face.

I was about to pick up the test but Y/N stopped me "Erik don't touch it" she said "I don't care if You peed on it" I said as she sighed "leave it, it's still not ready" she said as we sat in the bathroom.

"What are we doing as far as Coachella?" I asked "I'm still going to do it, it ain't like I'm wobbling everywhere and the dances isn't that intense" she explained.

"I don't know maybe you need to sit this one out" I stated as she shook her head "I mean I went this far not knowing I was, so I mine as well do Coachella and rest the rest of my pregnancy" she stated.

She placed her hand on her head as I sat in between her legs kissing her thighs. "What are you doing?" She asked in a small giggle. "Just calm down" I said rubbing her thighs as she smiled.

"Go away" She stated trying to push my head away some. I stood up then picked her up and sat her on the bed.

"Erik I'm not even in the mood anymore" she said trying to push me away but I took off my shirt and started kissing her face as she finally kissed me back.

I pulled her jeans off and started kissing her thighs as she giggled. "Erik stop" she said placing her hand on my head. I went up to her stomach and repeatedly kissed her stomach making her giggle.

I kissed went up to her lips and kissed them as she smiled wrapping her arms around my neck. I pulled her shirt off and kissed her breast that wasn't covered up.

"I have to check on the test" she said getting up from under me. I huffed silently and got out the bed.

I went into the bathroom as she looked at me "are you pregnant?" I asked as she nodded "yup" she said dropping the test in the trash and placing her hand over her face.

I went over to hug her as she placed her head on my chest. "She will be fine" I said rubbing her stomach. "She? It's definitely going to be a boy" she stated as I chuckled.

I rubbed her back in a circle slowly as she had some tears leaving her eyes. I picked her up sitting her on the sink wiping her tears.

"Baby stop crying" I said and kissed her head as she faintly smiled. "Go get some sleep to take your mind off of this" I suggested as she got off the sink and got in the bed.

I called Will and we started talking in the hallway.

"What's up?" He asked "Y/N's pregnant" I said "congrats!" He said dapping me up as I smiled some "Yeah but she's freaking out and she's upset." I said.

"Because of her performance?" Will asked concerned "she has a history of losing babies and she's afraid she's going to lose this one, she's overthinking it and stressing over it" I explained.

"Just try to ease the stress off of her because stress can mess with the baby. Have her be positive and let her know you are there for her" he started off.

"Let her know she's loved , let her be comfortable and if something does happen make sure you are right next to her no matter how the situation may make you feel" he explained as I nodded.

"But congrats" he said tapping my shoulder as we hugged. "Thanks" I said pulling out the hug "now get some sleep we heading out early tomorrow" Will said as we said our good nights.

I went into our room changing into some sweats and turning out the light climbing into the bed next to Y/N.

I kissed a shoulder as she turned facing me. "I love you always don't think otherwise" I stated as she kissed my lips. "I love you too" she said smiling.

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