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We were in Wakanda walking off the ship with T'Challa "if there's anything you two need, you just let Okoye or me know" he said smiling as I smiled with Jamaria in my arms.

We walked into the palace and he showed us our room. "There's a bassinet in the other room I'll bring." T'Challa stated as Erik sat the duffle bag on the bed and sat the suitcase in the corner.

"What's wrong? you've been quiet since we got here" I asked as he shook his head. "Nah I'm just having some memories" he said.

"Bad ones?" I asked sitting on the bed as he nodded "you had some good ones" I said trying to cheer him up as he smiled.

"Yes like when I got you pregnant" he said as we smiled and he kissed my lips then T'Challa brought the bassinet in.

"Y/N , Erik!!!" We heard Erik's aunt making us laugh. "Come on everyone's downstairs in the garden" Romonda said taking Jamaria from me.

"You don't want to change?" I asked Erik as he shook his head "it's hot" I said "Nah I'm straight let's go" he said draping his arms over my shoulders.

We walked downstairs as he repeatedly kissed my cheek making me giggle. "Only two days right?" He asked as I looked at him "I thought we were staying longer?" I questioned.

"I don't know I'm having bad memories and I have a match" Erik said as I sighed "why didn't you tell me?" I asked "I wanted you to enjoy yourself" he said as I straight faced him "who are you fighting?" I asked "I don't know some nigga but don't worry about all of that" he said as I sighed.

"Okay just make sure you talk to T'Challa before we go" I stated as he looked at me confused. "About what?" He asked as I smacked my lips and walked away.

"I'm just playing" he said as I shook my head then walked into the garden seeing Shuri kissing all over Jamaria as I smiled.

"Y/N how have you been?" Shuri asked hugging me as I smiled "good" I said as
Nakia hugged me "Where's Erik?" She asked looking for him and I was about to say "why?" But I chose not to.

"Hey auntie" I heard Erik say behind me as he hugged her and she kissed his cheek. Shuri smiled and waved while rocking Jamaria then Nakia practically jumped onto Erik giving him a hug.

I looked at her weird then sat down. Erik day next to me as we looked at each other confused. "So how have you two been?" Shuri asked as everyone looked at us.

"Y/N and I finally came out and said we were engaged, Y/N performed with Beyoncé and I'm getting to sit court side with Jay z" he stated as they all smiled.

"That's great! Can I see the ring?" My aunt asked as Y/N placed her hand out and they all crowded around.  "That's gorgeous!" My aunt said "MMHM" Shuri said smiling as they moved it making it glisten.

"That's beautiful at least someone's engaged" Nakia said looking over at T'Challa as we they all sat back in their seats. Erik and I looked at each other T'Challa took Jamaria from Shuri and started playing with her.

"So when is the new album coming?" Shuri asked excitedly "new album already?" I asked as she laughed "yes I need some more music from you" she stated as I giggled "soon" I said.

"Like how soon?" She asked as I giggled "stop being a pest" T'Challa said. "What? I'm just trying to know, what about your tour dates?" Shuri asked as T'Challa shook his head.

"Since we're talking about concerts , I want to have our very first concert in Wakanda since we're introducing it to the world in a couple of months and I want you to perform here before any other artist." He started off.

APESHIT 2| Erik KillmongerXCreedWhere stories live. Discover now