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I was laying on Erik's chest as he was sound asleep it was 6 in the morning and I was sadly up. I wanted to be sleep too but I was thinking about a relationship that I was in with a girl and she's now also a well known singer. Lately she's been trying to contact me and I don't know what for.

I didn't tell Erik because I know how he's going to get. Her and I were together but wasn't together and then I met Erik. She was is relationships so that's why I wondered why she was trying to talk to me.

I sat up off of Erik and got out the bed throwing my robe on and going downstairs.

There was a knock on the door as I was confused. I went to get the door as I seen kehlani the girl I used to mess with.

"Hey" she said as I looked shocked "how did you know where I live?" I asked " google" she simple said.

"Well why are you here and so early ?" I asked stepping out the house closing the door behind me.

"You didn't tell me you was engaged" she brought up as I was confused "well Lani we didn't talk after I left either so why would I?" I asked.

" I miss you Y/N" she said as I sighed lowly "yeah but it wasn't like that we were just off and on so it wasn't a serious thing" I explained.

"It was to me" she said as I felt bad "but I told you We were just chillin we wasn't getting into a relationship just yet" I said looking up at her some.

"Y/N I had some strong feelings for you and you just act like you don't care" she said as I started feeling worse.

"I care B-But I cant do nothing about it, I told you we were just friends chillin and you made the first move" I explained.

"You still have feelings for me? I asked lowly as she nodded and grabbed my waist some "I'm sorry but I have a fiancé, I-I can't be with you" I said moving out her hands.

"You known me for so long and I would never hurt you" She explained as I nodded "yeah but I can't leave him he's the father of my child and I love him" I said as she sighed and took a step back from me.

" if you loved me so much where were you for the pass three years where were you when things were going on?" I asked as we just stood in silence looking at each other.

" I'm sorry I never meant to lead you on but I told you and you wanted to do it anyway. I have a fiancé and lani this can never happen again" I explained softly before going into the house locking the door.

I heavily sighed feeling guilt but I didn't do anything wrong I came off nice and I wasn't hostile about it. I'm trying to live a peaceful life happy life no drama or anything.

Tonight was a party for the record label I was signed too and I was kind of iffy on going I didn't see Jamaria all day yesterday so I don't know I might pop up then go see my baby.

I went back upstairs slipping in the bed next to Erik as he wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled my head in his chest.

"You straight?" He asked as I kissed his chest. "Yeah we'll talk when you wake up" I said as he groaned some then kissed my head.

I don't know how this whole situation might make Erik feel. I don't even know what to say what he's going to do.

I don't know if it would break the engagement or the relationships altogether.

I tried going to sleep but I was worried about what may happen between Erik and I. It shouldn't break the relationship I didn't do anything.

I feel so bad for making her feel that way but I told her. I didn't want to hurt her feeling because she's a sweet person.

One of the reasons I didn't want a relationship with her was because she had a girl that's always all over her calling her "sister" and I knew for a fact it wasn't her sister and she knew that.

That's why I didn't understand why I feel bad.

I was so deep in thoughts I didn't even notice the sun coming up. Erik's alarm went off as he woke up.

"First day of training?" I asked "yeah" he said then kissed my head as we both sat up. "When you finish getting ready I need to tell you something" I said as his eyebrows scrunched some.

"You pregnant?" He asked as I straight faced him. "Really...that's what you got out of that?" I asked as he placed his hand on my stomach and I then hit his hand away as we laughed.

"Aight I'll be down in a minute" he said getting out the bed as I nodded. I made the bed then went downstairs going to start his breakfast which was a spinach smoothie along with egg whites and a piece of turkey bacon.

Right now I wasn't even feeling hungry Erik soon came downstairs in his workout clothes he was on his phone trying to take pictures.

"Who you taking pictures for?" I asked as he chuckled. "Check your phone" he stated then came in the kitchen kissing my cheek.

I checked my phone seeing he texted me a pictures of himself making me giggle.

"Someone needs to take your phone away" I joked as he chuckled sitting at the island in front of me

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"Someone needs to take your phone away" I joked as he chuckled sitting at the island in front of me. He started eating.

"What's up?" He asked as I looked at him "umm...so right before we met I umm, I was messing with a girl and we You know-" I was cut off by Erik as he chuckled.

"You really trying to piss me off this early in the morning?" He asked before laughing "stop playing around" he stated as I looked at him in all seriousness.

"She came early this morning and told me she still loves me" I said as Erik looked at me " do you still love her?" He asked

"It wasn't Love I did it to fill something I was missing but she thought I loved her back and I feel bad" I explained.

"Wait why you feel bad if you don't love her and you're with me?" He asked as I sighed "Erik it's not like that-" I said as I was cut off.

"Nah it's straight I'll see you whenever I get home" he said nonchalantly grabbing his smoothie walking out the house.

I then sighed loudly practically  screaming when he walked out....

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