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I was watching Y/N get ready for her interview in the dressing room and she was looking bad. Everyone left the room for her to get dressed.

"Finally" I stated getting up and holding her waist as she kissed my lips

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"Finally" I stated getting up and holding her waist as she kissed my lips. "I think we should tell them something soon because it's starting to get a little obvious" I said as she nodded.

"I know but I want Jamaria to stay out of this she's just a baby, I don't need trolls attacking her I already get some of it but don't come after a baby" she stated as I kissed her lips.

"You want me to let them know about us?" I asked as she shook her head "no give these rumors sometime to go down, I want to do it for my fans they really like your egg ass" she said as I chuckled.

There was a knock on the door. "Hold on" she stated before wrapping her arms around my neck. "Im ready to let everyone know we're engaged especially before your aunt says something" I said as she nodded.

"Yeah I understand, you want all the men to know I'm taken" she said smirking as I chuckled "Nah you want all the females to know I'm off the market" I stated as she laughed and kissed my lips.

"I'll let them know soon" she said as I kissed her neck and she giggled switching her engagement ring to her right hand.

She walked out as I sat back on the couch watching her on the TV as she walked on stage smiling and everyone clapped for her.

I was waiting for her to start getting questioned. "So about Erik Stevens, What is the relationship between you two?" The interviewer asked "we're just really close friends" she said as I smiled.

"I know you two are friends but you two are cute. I wanted to know have you two thought about dating?" The interviewer asked as she nodded.

"We tried, we did and then we just felt like we were better being friends." She stated "so you got pregnant around the time you two were dating right?" The interviewer asked as She nodded.

"We thought it was going to work out but it just didn't. He's a great father" she said smiling.

"So second Baby rumors are out the window?" The interviewer asked "yes" I said as the crowd seem like they were upset we weren't together nor having another baby. This secret was funny as fuck.

"I'm actually seeing someone" she said as I smirked. "He is actually watching and I just wanted to let him know that I love him so much" she said as the crowd looked in awe.

I laughed shaking my head she's too much. "I heard Beyoncé and her daughter are big fans of you, you must feel good?" The interviewer asked as Y/N smiled.

"I do it's crazy because I'm a big fan of her" she said as my vibrated as I seen that Y/N's aunt was running her mouth about how I wasn't good enough for Y/N to TMZ.

I just sighed this is the same person who thought Terrence was good for Y/N and look at what happened I just find it funny how her aunt thinks that Terrence was a good guy even when Y/N told her what the fuck they were going through and yet she didn't even help her own niece.

Then I actually started thinking maybe I wasn't meant for Y/N or wasn't good enough for her...


I came back from off stage and seen Erik sitting on the couch backstage. I closed the door and looked at him.

"You okay?" I asked as he nodded and stood up. "Yeah I'm straight" he stated as i grabbed my jacket and purse looking at him kind of weird.

"Lunch is on me where you want to eat at?" I asked "it don't matter, it's up to you" he simply said "okay?" I said confused as we got in the black shiny truck that took us to a restaurant.

Erik was quiet the whole ride and I kept looking at him. We finally got to the restaurant and was sat down.

"Ooo guess what?" I said excitedly as Erik looked at me from his menu. "Beyoncé wants me to perform with her at MTV music Awards next month" I said excitedly as he cracked a small smile.

"That's good" he simply said "baby what's wrong?" I asked as he sat up in his chair some.

"We'll talk about it later don't worry about it" he said then looked down and at his menu.

"No for real we can step outside or leave and talk Erik, what's wrong?" I asked as he looked at me. "You want to leave and talk?" I asked as he stood up and I got up walking out.

"Damn TMZ" he stated grabbing my hand and we got in the truck going home. We walked through the door as I kicked my heels off.

"Babe what's wrong?" I asked as he shook his head. "Maybe your aunt was right" he stated as I looked at him confused.

"About what, what are you talking about?" I questioned. "About not being the right one for you" he stated as I looked at him.
"What are you trying to say?" I asked.

"That maybe she's right saying I'm not good enough for you, that I'm somewhat a bad influence for you" he said as I shook my head.

"Erik not right now, really?" I stated shaking my head as a few couple of tears fell from my eyes he had no idea what effect he had on me positive effects.

"What? You told me to tell you and I'm telling you" he stated "are you fucking serious did you just question that?!" I asked looking at him in his eyes in disbelief.

"Why would you think that?!" I asked about to go off "because Y/N look at how the fuck we met, look at what the fuck we did with each other it was all because of me, yeah you stole little candy and shit and stripped but I used to kill niggas for fun even tried to kill my own cousin and take over a whole country, I stole shit, used to have legal issues out here due to me doing shit." He said going off as I looked at him.

"And I got you pregnant on purpose it was never an accident, I knew what I was doing and I honestly wanted a baby with you but I never thought your aunt would've had a problem with it" he said as I looked at him.

"You mean to tell me you did that shit on purpose?" I asked "yeah" he stated as I sighed I couldn't even get mad at him I should've told him to put on a condom or I should've been on better birth control.

"So what are you trying to say? You don't want to be with me?" I asked. "I do but I think this drama got to do with me and that's your family at the end of the day if I'm the problem then I should leave" he explained.

"No you're family, you really think I give a fuck what anybody else thinks it don't matter what anybody thinks as long as you and I are happy. Our relationship doesn't have to make sense to anyone but us. My aunt isn't going to talk down on you when you've done so much for me than she has ever had and I won't let it happen that's why I choose you over her" I started off.

"Everyone has a past I keep telling you that if I was that scared or that worried about you being a bad influenced I would've never gave you the time of day. Erik I love you I'm not listening to everyone else, I don't care how many people you killed I killed my father it doesn't matter I love you and if you love me then you wouldn't care what my aunt or anybody else has to say" I said as we hugged.

I grabbed his face and kissed his lips. "Now if you want to go there goes the door" I said smiling as he chuckled and continued kissing my lips.

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