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" I got some connections in New York that can take her out, I'm not fucking playing with May, aunt or not" I stated as I was talking between Sterling, Erik, and Tori.
We all ended up going out still just all together . Erik's and sterling didn't feel comfortable with tori and I being out and the block is still hot for reporters and TMZ.

"Damn you thinking about taking out your own aunt?" Sterling asked shocked in a little chuckle.

"If that's what it takes for her to get off my dick" I said as sterling looked at Erik and Erik smirked "who are you engaged to?!" Sterling asked Erik was shocked "oh yeah we're bloods so we just give the word" tori added as Erik looked at me.

"you ain't never said all that" Erik said as I smiled innocently "we can't do that though that's wrong" tori stated. "Nah fuck being wrong, she was wrong for what she did" Erik said.

I walked around with Erik looking at suits for Erik to wear as the best man. "This is nice" I said picking it out putting it up against him.

"But I think I want this for our wedding" I said as he smirked and took it from me looking at it  "you know we can't risk trying to take her out" Erik brought up as I nodded "yeah I know that's why I'm going to have my peoples do it" I stated as he smirked.

"Where did the goody two shoes Y/N go?" He asked as I walked around him. "When have you ever known me to be a goody goody?" I asked as he chuckled licking his lips some.

"You mess with me it's different but when you mess with family it's a whole other story, like I said before y'all got the right one" I said handing him another suit to try on.

"I'm really with the shits" I stated as Erik got a dressing room. He nodded for me to go in it with him as I smirked. I hurried and locked it behind me sitting down as he started taking his shirt off.

"What you want?" I asked looking up at him as he bent down to kiss my lips. I took my lips from him. "Try on the suit" I stated as he got on his knees in front of me. "Mmm stopppp!" I whined smiling as he chuckled trying to pull my pants down.

He kissed my neck as I softly moaned in his ear. "Let me take some stress off of you" he said in my ear before picking me up.

He pulled down my pants turning me around putting me against the wall. I bit my lip feeling him place my hands behind my back.

He slowly slipped in as I gasped, he started thrusting in and out slowly as I tried to get my hands from out of his grasp but I couldn't.

"Fuck Erik" I moaned lowly as he kissed the side of my neck. "Stop clenching" he groaned lowly gripping my ass as I moaned lowly.

He finally let go of my hands as I placed them in the wall in front of me and started throwing it back but I guess Erik wanted to be in control like always and turned me around to face him.

He picked me up and started thrusting in and out of me fast as I tried to contain my moans. "Let me hear you" he said as i bit my lip. "We're in public" I said out of breath in his ear lowly.

"I don't give a fuck" he growled as he started going harder and deeper. "Oh fuck!" I moaned really loud over the classical music that was playing.

We heard people gasp as Erik smirked at me not giving a fuck. "Do it again" he said smirking and looking me in my eyes. I bit my lip trying not too but he was going hard.

" say that shit" he said slowly placing all of his inches in me as I arched my back off the wall with my mouth hung open . I felt my juices run down.

"Daddy fuck this pussy up!" I squealed as he chuckled "Mmm you being nasty" he said in my ear before letting me back on my feet. He bent me down and slid back in.

He held onto my hips thrusting at a fast pace. I let out a squeal then he lifted one of my legs up thrusting.

"Okay" I moaned out trying to tap out but he didn't listen and kept going. "Oh my gosh I'm about to cum" I moaned out.

"Cum on this dick princess" he groaned as I came and he pulled out dropping my leg.
"We'll continue this when we get home" he said with a smirk as I was out of breath against the wall.

He started helping me get back dressed and I watched him place on the suit and walk out in front of sterling and tori like nothing happened.


"Damn we were only gone for five minutes why can't y'all act right?" Sterling asked laughing.

"I fucks with this suit" I said "I do too" sterling said as we dapped up and I went back to go change as Y/N was still sitting in the dressing room.

I chuckled looking at her "you ready?" I asked as she nodded I helped her up as she walked out slowly next to me.

We paid for the suits and went to get Jamaria and take her home. I was talking and playing with her on the bed as Y/N was on the phone with a lawyer.

"A cease and desist? She's not going to listen to that" Y/N started off. "This woman hit me in my own home and took a picture of my baby trying to sell it to reporters there's nothing else y'all can do?" She asked.

"When she breaks the cease and desist then we take further actions. We take her to court and charges maybe pressed, we can try to get your daughter off the internet and your aunts phone before she posts the actual photo on the internet but it's not a guarantee." The lawyer.

"Thank you Please try" Y/N stated before hanging up and sitting on the bed. "She's so damn petty to place an emoji over her face, if you going to do the shit you should've did the whole picture she's pussy as fuck" Y/N stated before walking in the bathroom closing the door.

Y/N and my phone was blowing up to where it was best we just turned them off, but she stayed on it for lawyer purposes. We had to do interviews. Mines was tomorrow morning. Y/N's aunt knew what she was doing because Y/N is supposed to be performing soon and also soon going on tour.

I just know all this shit better clear before she go on tour because I hope her aunt know Y/N ain't going no where by herself, so if she got a nigga trying to start something I'm there.

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