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I went to sleep and woke up around 9 because of Jamaria then I got her ready. I took a shower and got dressed.

Following getting dressed I brushed my teeth and sprayed some perfume on my body

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Following getting dressed I brushed my teeth and sprayed some perfume on my body. I straightened my hair taking pauses and sitting down because I was either feeling lightheaded or my body felt numb I then placed on some lashes.

I slipped on some slides placing gloss on my lips. Jamaria was whining some in her room so I made her a bottle and fed her while sitting in her rocking that was in her room.

"Baby you getting big" I tasted rubbing her curly hair as she just looked at me. "Did you sleep good last night?" I asked as she grabbed onto my finger making me smile.

"I didn't sleep good last night I don't know what to do about your father." I stated as she was falling asleep. I kissed her head and took the bottle from her mouth wiping her mouth and placing a pacifier in it.

I then laid her in the car seat strapping her in. I placed a blanket over the car seat and proceeded downstairs. Erik didn't come back home after our argument and too be honest I wasn't even upset I was so drained out and I didn't understand why.

I strapped Jamaria in the car seat and felt very light headed, I closed the door and sat in the drivers seat laying my head back as I had shortness of breath.

I had an on and off headache all week I just been popping Tylenol's like it was candy but it still didn't take the headache away and some pain that was so damn uncomfortable but I've been trying to pull through it for the family and to for the Wakanda outreach grand opening that was in a couple of days.

I was about to start crying that's how bad the pain was. I felt so seek I wasn't even fit to drive.

I grabbed my phone slowly and called jasmine putting her on speaker as it rung. "Hello?" She asked "H-Hey jas" I stuttered and looked at the ceiling of the car feeling very fatigued.

"You okay?" She asked "I don't k-know can you take me to the hospital?" I asked
"What's wrong?! " she questioned panicking "I-I, just hurry up" I said out of breath.

"Aight I'm on my way!" She said hanging up as I just laid there scared to close my eyes. I didn't want to interrupt anything Steelo and Tori were doing.

5 minutes later I seen a black shiny Escalade pull up to the gate as someone typed the code in and pulled up next to my car.

"Y/N" I heard jasmine say as she tapped me and I looked at her. Will and Tiffany got out the car and Tiffany covered her mouth.

"I'm going to call an ambulance" Tiffany stated as I wanted to close my eyes so badly but will kept telling me to keep my eyes open.

"What's wrong?" Jasmine asked "m-my body hurts, I have a head ache, shortness of br- I feel weak" I said dropping my head back some as the ambulance pulled up into the drive way.

"Where's Erik Baby?" Tiffany asked as I shrugged and tried closing my eyes. "Keep your eyes open" Will stated right before the paramedics took over putting me on a stretcher.

"J-Jamaria's in the back" I let out so weakly pointing to the car. They rolled me into the ambulance and placed an oxygen mask over my nose and mouth.

I felt someone rub the top of my head with there thumb then I looked up seeing Tiffany. I faintly smiled and closed my eyes trying to sleep.


I've been at the gym since early this morning blowing so much steam off. Thinking about what Y/N meaning what she said this morning.

Someone walked into the gym as I turned seeing Layla. "If I We're you I'd stay the fuck away from me and my family" I stated continuing to hit the bag.

I felt a hand on my shoulder slowly going down my back. "None of this would've never happen if you just would've dated me" she said as I gave her a look.

"Layla get your hands off of me" I stated
"Erik you know damn well you were feeling me why you with her?" Layla asked.

"I wasn't feeling you that's something you wanted you ain't say shit to me til I showed interest in another girl and now I got money and you popping out like a jack in a damn box" I stated as my phone started ringing.

"You buggin' Fuck out of here" I said before answering the phone. My mother came on the phone panicking as I walked away from Layla "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Y/N's being rushed to the hospital" she stated as I grabbed my duffle bag and rushed to my car. "For what?" I asked "I don't know she's having shortness of breath, pain, headaches, light headed and weak" my mother explained.

"I'm on my way now" I said hanging up and I was doing 80 all the way to the hospital. I got out the car rushing in the entrance.

I went to the front desk as they guided me to Y/N room and I seen everyone sitting there with the doctor as Y/N was laid out on the bed with a breathing tube under her nose as she was hooked to an I.V and had a heart monitor clip on her finger.

A tear fell from my eyes as I looked at her I hurried and wiped them. "So what happens if nobody has her blood type for the the blood transfusion?" My mother asked as I sat next to her.

"Then we'll have to ask other and test their blood. "What happens if they don't give any blood?" Will asked "she can die" the doctor stated as I looked at him.

"What's even going on, what is wrong with her?!" I asked as my mother tried to calm me down.

"Y/N has Anemia" the doctor stated "sickle cell?!" I asked as he shook his head "Anemia meaning she has a condition where her blood cells doesn't have enough healthy red blood cells" the doctor explained.

"So how can we fix it?!" I asked "she lost so much the most we can do it a blood transfusion and give her iron supplements if that doesn't work then she only has a few months even weeks to live but that's if we don't have the blood transfusion" the doctor explained as I pinched the bridge of my nose and leaned my head down.

"Everyone in here has already been tested but their blood wasn't a match" the doctor stated. "She's O-positive right?!" I asked as the doctor nodded.

"Then take my blood and do what you got to do" I stated. "It's not that easy they have to first test your blood" jasmine stated.

"I haven't ate anything today test my blood and start the damn transfusion" I stated as Y/N started waking up some as tears came from her eyes.

"Please Come with me Mr. Stevens" doctor stated as I nodded and kissed
Y/N's head before leaving with the doctor.

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