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Erik Seriously didn't get none last night. Right now I can't risk getting pregnant so I just gave him some head and vice versa but it wasn't enough in all honesty.

I went over to visit Tiffany hopefully Erik wasn't over there because I couldn't take not getting dick anymore.

I walked into the house as jasmine opened the door. Jamaria was in my arms "look at her and all that hair!" Tiffany squealed talking about Jamaria.

 Jamaria was in my arms "look at her and all that hair!" Tiffany squealed talking about Jamaria

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Jamaria smiled and Tiffany kissed my cheek. "Hello to you too beautiful" she said smiling and looking at my outfit.

"Hi momma" I said as she smiled "you're glowing more than how you usually glow it's unbelievable." She started off as I smiled.

"You look sexy baby where you coming from?" she asked as I smiled "thank you me and jay had a little mommy and me day we went shopping, had a photo shoot and went out for food " I explained and bounced Jamaria as she smiled at me.

"You look good" she complimented as I smiled

"So what's for dinner?" I asked as she giggled "well my man is taking me out for dinner when he gets back and you two got homes to go to"  she said as I smirked

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"So what's for dinner?" I asked as she giggled "well my man is taking me out for dinner when he gets back and you two got homes to go to" she said as I smirked.

"Oooo dinner where?" I asked "baby it's five star that's all we do" she said as I smiled. "I hope you have fun tonight it feels like all I've been doing has be working out and practicing for this Coachella thing" I said.

"I'm sure all this practicing will show when it's time" she said as I smiled "I hope because I'm sore anyway what's the occasion why you two going out?" I asked.

"Nothing we're going out because he wants to treat me out, he bought me roses this morning and just told me to be ready when he gets home and that's exactly what I'm going to do" she explained as I smiled.

"So I'm going to get ready upstairs and you can help me with my makeup" she said as we smiled. She went upstairs as Jamaria was playing on the floor with her toys.

"Now that my mother is finally upstairs" jasmine started off "Damn bitch you look good" she said as I laughed.

"What's going on with you and Erik because I know he missing that ass" jasmine said as I giggled "Are y'all messing around?" She asked smirking.

"Okay what's messing around?" I asked as she laughed "what happened?" She asked as it was quiet and I looked around.

"She's upstairs in the room getting ready she can't hear us" jasmine said as I sighed "I got some head but we didn't have sex sex" I said as she laughed.

"You weren't supposed to be doing anything you promised yourself that" she brought up as I nodded.

"Yeah yeah I know but it's been five almost six damn months and I'm going to break" I exaggerated as she laughed "girl stop being dramatic" she teased as I sighed.

"Jasmine it's to the point where I made macaroni and cheese and I liked the sound to it, like I need my back blown out" I said as she died laughing.

"Just pray about it let the lord deliver it from you" she said as I laughed. "It's like every time I see his face I just want ride that shit like it's crazy he gives me a look and I got chills" I said as she continued laughing.

"That dick is bomb huh?" Jasmine asked "for me reminiscing" I said as she laughed "ew he's still my brother" she said placing her hand up to stop me we laughed as we heard the door open.

YO MOMMA WE BACK!" I heard Erik as I looked over at him.

"Fuckkkk" I whispered to myself as jasmine laughed

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"Fuckkkk" I whispered to myself as jasmine laughed. "Y/N HONEY YOU CAN COME UP NOW!" Tiffany yelled as I hurried and got up. "Hey Y/N you look nice" Will said "Thank you" I stated smiling.

"Hey princess" Erik said grabbing my hand as I looked at him and jasmine started laughing. I took my hand away and went upstairs to do Tiffany's makeup.

"I know I told you to step back from Erik but exactly how long will this go on for with you two?" She asked as I smiled doing her eyeshadow.

"Like you said until he get it together" I said "yeah but do YOU feel like he's gotten it together?" Tiffany asked as I went quiet and she looked at her finished natural make up face.

"Ooo this is nice baby" she said looking in the mirror as I smiled. "I accomplished a lot without Erik but I also don't want to leave him" I brought up.

"Do what your heart is telling you to do always" Tiffany said looking at me as I smiled. I already knew the decision I was going to make which was taking it slow because we have a tendency to move fast and we end up arguing.

I just want to fix certain things now before we get into marriage. I walk Tiffany downstairs as Will was in a tux next to Erik. Will and Tiffany linked arms.

"Everyone our my house by 10 at least" Tiffany said making us laugh. "Have fun you two" Erik said closing the door behind them.

I got Jamaria and picked her up about to walk out the door. "Hey, where you going?" Erik asked as I smiled some "Jamaria and I are going to go home and finish our mother daughter day" I said as he smiled.

"Let me come over just to put her to sleep" he said as I was iffy. "Seriously I won't try anything." He said as I laughed "You're Erik something is bound to happen but come on" I said " make sure you lock up jazz" Erik said before walking out.

"I'll be ready in the morning to hear the tea" jasmine said as I stuck my middle finger up "too bad Erik is about to do that" she said as I laughed.

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