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I was looking at Erik laid out on his hospital bed Not saying a word. I still don't understand why he was shot and what happened he's been sleep ever since surgery.

I texted Beyonce letting her know he just came out of surgery and is still strong. The ESPN channel came on.

"Steven has been hospitalized after being shot in the ribs he successfully pulled through it" one of the commentators stated.

"So I guess he won't be in the world heavyweight boxing championships to receive the Muhammad Ali award. He would be the first African American man representing the United States and also the youngest contestant representing" The other commentator brought up.

"I'm sure it had something to do with gang violence or bad blood I mean look who we're talking about" another commentator said as I scrunched his brows.

"He has a family a beautiful fiancé and beautiful baby girl why would it be gang violence?" Another commentator asked

"9 out of 10 if an African American man is shot its usually gang violence or gang activity" the same commentator said as I shook my head.

"By the way I have t seen a ring on her finger and he's been having a little fun with Miss Catherine the escorted" the same commentator said as I took a deep breath then turned off the TV because I was going to break it.

I sat next to Erik as I held his hand and started crying some. Then started thinking, it funny how Ricky is runner up after Erik if something went wrong with Erik and Erik represented the United States. Also there was a huge chance he would win.

I looked at Erik and sighed I knew exactly who the fuck did this shit but that's okay because I know some people he ain't going to fuck with my family. "What you crying for?" I heard Erik groan and grabbed my chin softly as tears fell from my eyes.

"Babe I'm so sorry for everything" I apologized "what you apologizing for I messed up not you" he said coughing some. "What happened?" I questioned.

"Ricky's bitch ass" he said as I sighed "mmmm okay" I said smiling getting up and going on my phone looking for the contact I needed.

"What you about to do?" He asked almost below a whisper. "Rest baby because tomorrow we're strong a lawyer and we pulling them camera footage with his stupid ass we did it your way last time now we're going to do my way" I stated.

"Babe" he called out as I ignored him "Yeah Big Pooh you heard?" I asked "yeah blood I got you, you already know little sis , I told you I'll protect you just stay out of them streets I got you what's his name?" He asked as I smirked.

"We're going to take him to court if the court don't do shit then you'll step in, put a cap in his ass" I whispered "I got you young blood keep living that life you deserve" he said as I smiled and we hung up.

I sat back in the chair next to Erik looking up different lawyers. "What your crazy ass about to do?" He asked "not here" I simply said then looked up at him and winked as he smirked.

"I feel worse than last time" he groaned "Yeah and we not going to be abled to do the world heavyweight boxing championships" I said as he looked at me.

"Hell nah I got time to get ready" he said trying to sit up but only laid back down. "We're not having a recap of last time" I said as he sighed "I got to be there you know why Y/N" he said looking at me as I sighed "Erik it's in December and it's September baby You was shot in your same rib that was broken last time not only that you was punched in it also" I explained.

He smacked his lips and turned the tv on "want me to tell your mother and Will you're awake?" I asked "No" he simply said looking at ESPN as they were still talking about him.

"So Ricky's taking my spot instead?" He asked and turned the tv off. "Erik what the fuck why didn't you call me when you seen him at the door?" I asked.

"I couldn't put you in danger so I took the bullet instead it accidentally hitting you instead of me, I took a bullet before this ain't shit" he said groaning and rubbing over his bandage some as I smiled.

"Besides it happens all fast I'm just glad Jamaria or you wasn't there" he explained as I nodded "we need to be in a gated community for shit like this" I said.

"About that" he started off and coughed some "remember that house you wanted?" He asked as I scrunched my eyebrows "yeah someone bought it remember?" I asked as he shook his head " I bought it for us" he said as I looked at him.

"I bought it for us as a Mother's Day gift to you but we took our break and I never got to tell you, so I waited for us to get back on good terms so we could move in" he explained as I smiled and shook my head.

"No matter if I tried to stop loving you I love your ass to death" I said as he chuckled and I kissed his lips. "But we need to talk about this boxing championship" he started off as I sighed "I don't want you too but I know you're going to try and do it anyway." I said as he smirked.

"Physical Therapy and I'm going to continue training" he said as I sighed "Aight but I'm going to be at your training now and if I think you need to rest then you're going to take a break when the time comes and you don't look good I'm not going to let you risk it" I explained.

"Deal?" I asked as we did our handshake "Aight" he said as I kissed his head "rest up and get ready because I'm going to handle that nigga myself" I said as he smiled "do you baby and when you done I'll take over because you're little innocent self ain't going to do anything" he said as I giggled."that ain't what you said when I First met you" I said as he smirked. I found a lawyer and got down to business.

"All jokes aside when we get home can I get some ass I took a bullet I deserve some ass" he said then coughed some as I laughed "yeah when you're better I don't want to hurt you" I said in a giggle.

"Girl you can't hurt me" he said as I smiled.

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