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Finally I had an off day to relax some what. Erik was out at the gym getting ready for a boxing match soon.

Jamaria and I was relaxing in the California king size bed Erik and I shared.
Erik stated he might be abled to come home early because of work he's been putting in at the gym with Will.

I was hoping he was coming early because I kind of want some attention from him. Jamaria was moving her feet some while looking up at me.

"Hi mommy's stank butt" I said in a baby voice and kissed his cheek. "You want to be in one of mommy videos too I'm sure" I stated as she cracked a smile.

"As soon as you are abled to walk and talk a little I promise you and mommy will have a song and a video together" I said before she did a little sneeze.

"Bless you mama" I said as she smiled "so mommy is sorry for not being with you a lot lately I've been working my butt off I swear" I said as she watched me like words were about to fly out her mouth.

"And your daddy been working too but we love you a lot stink, I promise when mommy start traveling you will be right by my side I'm never leaving your side for tours, so if we in Paris guess who else in that bitch?" I asked as I looked at her still smiling I gave off a giggle.

"All this going to pay off when Christmas time and your birthday come around watch I don't want to hear no whining or crying from you when mommy and daddy working." I said then kissed her cheek.

I washed her up wrapping her in her towel sending a picture of her to Erik.

Erik: Jay is so beautiful we did good I'm on my way

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Erik: Jay is so beautiful we did good I'm on my way.❤️

I smiled then replied

Me: we did and okay❤️

I dried her off then got her dressed in a onesie since we were chilling today in the house. I fed her then she went to sleep.

I placed her in the bassinet next to the bed and closed my eyes. As soon as I was comfortable the bell rung. I smacked my lips getting out the bed placing on a pair of shorts.

I went downstairs as the person rung the doorbell again. I swung the door open being face to face with layla.

I looked at her confused "Aight how the fuck you get pass the gate and how the fuck you know where I lay my head at?" I asked.

"Because Erik said I can crash here" she said with a smile trying to walk in "bitch take your ass on before I fuck you up" I said.

"I know you wouldn't want the press to know about you placing your hands on me" she said smirking.

"Shit tell them I don't care shit I'll give you bruises to prove I beat your ass at the end of the day I'll make bail" I said smiling.

"Now why are you here?" I asked "Erik is the father of my one year old son" she stated as I automatically closed the door on her.

I called Erik but his phone went to voicemail. I looked out the window to see if Layla was still here but she left. I sat at the island and things wasn't adding up and how the hell did she know where to find us.

The front door opened as my grandmother and Erik walked in. My grandmother hugged and kissed my head "where's my great granddaughter?" She asked as I faintly smiled.

"Upstairs in her room" I said as my grandmother went upstairs and I looked at Erik as he gave me a bouquet of roses.

"Be honest with me Erik" I started off as his smile dropped "what's wrong?" He asked.

"Have you ever had sex with layla?" I asked as he looked at me confused "no why what's up?" He questioned "she was here earlier and for some reason she said you two had a little boy with each other, he's almost two" I said as he was confused.

"When did I ever have the time to fuck her while we were in Wakanda. I wasn't even by myself with her if anything it's Demetrius's baby" he explained and he had a valid point.

Every time he was around Layla and Demetrius I was with him or he wasn't with them at all. But then I left for a whole year.

"I left for a year did you fuck her then?" I asked as he looked taken back. "I would never fuck her, and you can ask sterling and even Tori I never fuck her when you were gone-" I cut him off.

"I mean I'm not mad if you did we weren't talking or nothing like that." I said leaning against the island. "Y/N if I liked you and wanted to be with you I wouldn't be fucking with no other woman, yes I did some shit as far as getting into some trouble but I ain't sleep with or talk to no other girl and that's on my pops" he stated.

"Then how the hell did she get our address and the pin code number to the gate to get in?" I asked "she did what?" Erik asked "yes the bitch got in and was at our doorstep" I stated pinching the bridge of my nose sighing.

Our phones dinged as we looked at each other. We grabbed our phones and I seen a text message from Tiffany it was a magazine article attached to the text.

"Well obviously now you have another baby according to TMZ and Layla" I said as smacked his lips. "I'm so tired of these stupid ass rumors" he stated as I nodded looking more at the article.

"I don't know about this career anymore because now I'm starting to get pissed" I stated dropping my phone on the island walking away.

"Nah don't quit you already got a fan base who supports you and also got celebrities that support you and even a family so why give up?" He asked

"because I didn't ask for none of this I never wanted to be a singer I wanted to be a pediatrician and I told you that, I didn't think all of this shit would happen when I-" he cut me off.

"When you got with me?" He asked as I looked at him "you dead ass right now?" I asked "Nah I'm just asking a question" he stated shrugging his shoulders and crossing his arms.

"It sounds like you trying to blame this on me" he stated "and it sounds like you got pressure so what's up?" I asked "Nah I'm straight you the one with pressure right now" he said as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not blaming you Erik I'm just saying I never asked for none of this" I stated "you did when you got engaged to me" he stated "yeah and you right" I said trying to dead the conversation.

"So you just going to end the conversation?" He asked "what is there more to talk about?" I asked as he smacked his lips walking pass me.

"Yo You straight?" I asked "Nah I'm good" he said going up the stairs as I sighed and called Tori I needed to go out for a minute.

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