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We were in Berlin for the boxing world championships and I was nervous but I knew I had to get in the ring so what I need to do and get out.

Y/N was more nervous than anybody else. Y/N and I were sitting in the hotel room on the couch watching TV. She's been quiet ever since we've reached Berlin.

I rubbed her ankle some as it was laid on my lap. "You good?" I asked as he looked at me "yeah I'm just tired from the flight" she said resting her head back on her hand that was on the arm of the couch.

"You hungry?" I asked as she nodded "Chinese?" I asked as she smiled and I ordered our food.

"Want me to call downstairs for some ice cream too?" I asked as she smiled making me chuckle. I ordered her a chocolate, brownie fudge ice cream.

Y/N got up walking into the bathroom as she started throwing up. I walked in and pulled her hair up rubbing her back. She finished throwing up as I helped her up.

She started cleaning herself up. "Go lay down and rest" I said as she sighed "I don't know why I'm feeling like this, I need to get better for Coachella" she said climbing into the high king hotel bed.

I placed pillows behind her lower back as she pulled the covers up to her to cover her legs. "You'll be fine I promise you're just stressing about this match tomorrow" I said kissing her lips as she kissed back.

"Thank you baby" she thanked as I smiled then I sat in the bed next to her. "Oh I need to braid your hair" she brought up as I shook my head "no not right now, you need to rest even if you need to stay in the hotel during my match" I explained.

"Baby no I can't stay here during that you already know I need to be here for that" she said in all seriousness sitting up.

"No you need to get better so you can stunt on all these hoes Coachella" I stated making her laugh. "Okay?" I asked as she nodded. "You know we can't really leave the hotel room you think a doctor or something can come up here or Will and your mother could go to the store for me?" She asked.

"I got a on call doctor for tomorrow I'll call and see if he can come" I said getting my phone. I was soon off the phone.

"What did he say?" Y/N asked "he'll be here tomorrow in the morning to check on you" I stated as she nodded. "My mother just texted me and she said she'll watch over you tomorrow if you can't come to the match" I informed.

"Erik I'm fine I'm just sleepy I'm going" she said as I chuckled "your staying your sick ass in bed if not better by tomorrow" I said getting the door receiving Chinese food and letting my mother in.

"Hey momma" I said hugging her as she gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Hey" she stated then walked over to Y/N in the bed.

"Hey baby" she said as Y/N smiled "hi"
Y/N said raspy some. "You're still not feeling good?" My mother asked concerned.

"It's been on and off the doctor before said it could be from the diet and my body changing with it and stress out on my body for Coachella, but Erik's Doctor is going to look at me tomorrow" she explained.

"And if she don't feel good momma she cannot leave from this room" I added as my mother giggled. "Honey She can leave there isn't nothing wrong with her" my mother started off.

"What you mean momma she just threw up" I stated. "Baby Are you running a fever?" My mother asked Y/N as she shook her head. "Did you run a fever at anytime when throwing up?" My mother asked.

"No but I'm also tired I feel so drawn out" Y/N explained placing her hand on her face. "Baby it's because you're pregnant" my mother stated.

I started laughing "ma she's just sick and stressed out the doctor even said it was from stress" I explained.

I continued laughing

 as my mother gave me a look "but ma she's not pregnant you just want another grandchild I promise we'll try and give you one after the wedding

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as my mother gave me a look "but ma she's not pregnant you just want another grandchild I promise we'll try and give you one after the wedding." I explained walking her to the door.

My mother gave me a look again "take care of my baby please" she stated as I chuckled "you mean my baby?" I asked as she laughed "bye" she stated as I chuckled and closed the door behind me.

Y/N was just sitting on the bed and I could tell she was thinking. "What's up?" I asked "nothing just sleepy" she said then laid her head on my shoulder.

I wrapped my arms around her "you know I can tell when you're lying" I stated as she smiled "what's wrong?" I asked looking down at her.

"I don't feel good and I want to be over whatever this is by the time Coachella comes around I really want to perform at Coachella" she explained.

"Do you want to perform to prove something or for your fans?" I asked "both , I get shit from people about Coachella and me singing period I don't know I just want to show them I'm not going anywhere anytime soon" she explained as I sighed.

"Don't get mad over the few that talk shot when millions love you, everyone has haters especially when they you show no emotion towards it, they just want to see you fall" I explained then kissed her head.

"Don't worry about it you got people that love you, but you don't have to prove anything to anybody your health comes first and if you're not better by than then you need to do it the year after" I finished explaining as she sighed.

"I at least got to do it for the fans they pay hella money just to see people perform and everyone already knows I'm headlining I can't just cancel" she stated and placed her hand on her face

"Don't stress We'll figure it out" I said rubbing her arms as she sniffled. The hell she crying about now? She's been so damn emotional this whole Coachella thing got her fucked up.

"Babe stop crying" I said sighing as I held her. "I just want to give them something that they'll love and enjoy I don't want to be sick" she said placing her face into my chest crying as I just rub her hair.

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