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It was the day before Sterling and Tori's wedding and I was doing last minute things with her before tomorrow and the bachelorette party.

I was pulling up to the gate as I seen Layla standing at the gate. "I thought I told your ass to leave?" I asked her as she smirked.

"I don't remember" she said cheesing "what do you want Layla I'm trying to enjoy my life, what?" I asked "I want my man back, you living this lavish ass life with him yet I'm his baby momma" Layla said as I looked at her.

"Layla you're so delusional what do you want?!" I asked as I seen flashing lights from every direction come out of no where.

"You better hope you and y'all little baby don't end up in pieces" she threatened as I hopped in the car trying to get away from all of the reporters.

The gates closed behind me as I parked in front of the house and started rubbing my temples. My phone buzzed as text messages from the family group chat started flooding with messages.

I opened it then gasped seeing pictures of hate mail That were mailed To Tiffany's house regarding me. Then my aunt leaked the picture of Jamaria.

"Bitches think they Beyoncé because they sing and hide their babies from everyone😂 Bitch your baby ugly as fuck that's why you were hiding that shit, you should've had a damn abortion"

I read that was posted from Layla under the picture that leaked of Jamaria. All I could do was cry my phone started ringing as I seen My grandmothers face pop up. I wiped my tears and answered.

"Hello?" I asked "are you okay baby?!" She asked as I broke down "alright just come in the house" she said as I looked seeing her standing at the front door.

I turned the car off and walked in the house as my grandmother automatically hugged me.

"Baby girl it's okay" she said rubbing my back as I cried. She sat me on the couch.
"Jamaria's pictures finally fully been leaked, a whole bunch of people knows my address and now sending hate mail what's next my number?" I asked then placed my hands over my face.

"My aunt is now doing y'all shows and Layla now is trying to come up too because of a whole bunch of lies and it's funny how all of this happens once nominated for an award" I stated as my grandmother sighed.

"Whether you like it or not whether you feel it's necessary or not, it's time to start walking with security for your safety and you may need to move because if you don't know it or not you and Erik are becoming more successful with more success means more fame and more fame means all of this that's going on " she explained as I sighed then wiped a falling tear.

"You two are young and I get it but right now you two cannot be running around and having fun without security." She said as she rubbed my back.

"I know but did you see what Layla said about Jamaria" I said breaking down as she shook her head "stop crying right now!" She stated sternly as I looked at her and she rubbed my tears.

"Why you letting some irrelevant ass hoe make you cry you know damn well Jamaria ain't ugly so why you crying?!" She asked.

"You Do realize your fans see all this shit going on and just as much as you don't like they don't either because your aunt and lilac-" she started off.

"Layla?" I asked in a giggle "yeah lays potato chips, your fans are going to attack them trust me, don't stress get you and Erik's numbers changed I'll make sure your aunt never gets to it and you two start packing to move on to bigger and better things don't lower your standards to these dumb bitches who wants to be on your level" my grandmother said as I smiled.

"Jamaria is beautiful you two created a beautiful kid stop worrying about what others got to say I ain't teach you to be like that you got tougher skin than that" she said smiling as I smiled and nodded.

"Baby go have fun at Tori's bachelorette so she can stop blowing my damn phone up" she said as we laughed and I hugged her.

"I don't know what I would do without you" I said smiling. "Exactly my point that's why I'm teaching you now so when I'm gon-" I hurried and cut her off.

"Don't say that, you're going to be here forever" I said as she gave me a look. "What?" I asked "nothing to have fun child" she said as I smiled and ran upstairs to give Jamaria a kiss then went to packing a duffle bag and meet all the girls at the hotel getting a call from Erik.


I was on TMZ reading an article about Jamaria and now her face was finally revealed

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I was on TMZ reading an article about Jamaria and now her face was finally revealed. I just sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. I went on Instagram and Twitter seeing everyone buzzing about her. Y/N, Jamaria and I all were all over Twitter and was the top three trending.

"Yo you seeing this?" Sterling asked placing his phone in my view as I nodded scrolling through The shade room seeing pictures of Y/N Jamaria and I then seen a new post and it was a screenshot of something Layla posted under the picture of Jamaria.

"Bitches think they Beyoncé because they sing and hide their babies from everyone😂 Bitch your baby ugly as fuck that's why you were hiding that shit, you should've had a damn abortion"

She posted as I clenched my jaw I knew I didn't have to say anything but I wanted to. I was in the midst of about to go live on IG to go off but then I just stopped and called Y/N.

"Hello?" She asked "you straight?" I asked "yeah we just got to talk when we get home" she said as I sighed "you need me to meet you somewhere so we can talk?" I asked kind of worried "babe just go have fun with the boys" she said in a giggle.

"I love you" She said as I smiled "I love you too" I responded then hung up. I just sighed and looked at Sterling. "What's up?" He asked.

"She wants to talk when we get home" I said kind of worried as he chuckled. "I hope you didn't do anything" he joked

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