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I was laying in the bed and turned to my side not feeling Erik next to me. I got up slowly. "Good morning sleeping beauty" I heard Tiffany say while smiling.

"Good morning where's Erik?" I asked "he's doing last minute training, breakfast is right there on the table" she said as I smiled.

"Thank you" I thanked getting out the bed walking to the bath freshening up myself before going to go eat.

I was feeling better just tired, I sat at the table as my phone started ringing and I seen a FaceTime call from jasmine and Tori coming through.

I answered it seeing their faces on the screen. "What room are you in?" Tori asked "yeah because we're trying to watch over you" Jasmine said.

"Um why are you watching me?" I asked
"Because Erik said so, everyone switching out shifts" Tori explained.

"It was ma's early this morning now it is and we determine if you are well enough to go" jasmine informed.

"Yeah I'm straight you guys don't have to watch over me" I said loud enough for Tiffany to hear me also.

"We're going to watch you because you were just throwing up yesterday and you need to rest" Tiffany said kissing my cheek as there was a knock at the door and she went to go open it seeing jasmine and Tori walk in.

"I'll see you two later will is probably having a hard time dealing with my son and my grand baby at the same time" she joked walking out.

I sighed slouching in the chair and started eating. "You're doing good so far" jasmine said laying across the bed turning the tv on.

"Y'all fucked on these sheets?" Jasmine asked "too late you're  all over them" i said laughing. "No we didn't get a chance to because I wasn't feeling good" I explained.

"You look better to me" Tori said as I nodded "yeah and now I'm horny, when Erik get back?" I asked as they laughed but I was dead ass.

I grabbed my phone and started calling him but he was sending me to voicemail. "Yeah I'm going to fuck this nigga up" I stated as they laughed.

"He's training leave him alone" jasmine stated "I don't give a fuck about all that when I call he better answer" I said as Tori giggled and took my phone from me.

"He's trying to win to take the family somewhere so leave him alone" Tori said slowly.

"Where we going?" I asked "don't worry about it just let that man train so we can leave because I'm ready to go" jasmine said as I sighed.

"Girl who you telling there was like three men staring me down in the lobby and sterling out with Erik" Tori stated as I shook my head.

The hours went by and I was straight to go to Erik's match. I was dressed

Walking into the room where he was getting ready

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Walking into the room where he was getting ready. "Thanks for keeping me locked away all today and not answering none of my calls" I said sarcastically and kissed his cheek.

"You feeling better?" He asked standing up and wrapping his arms around my waist. "Yeah I'm just tired, you know all these reporters are still in the room" I reminded as he smiled at me.

I felt Erik kiss my lips as Will and steelo cleared the room full of reporters. "You ready?" I asked as he nodded "just nervous" he stated as I smiled "you'll be okay just remember what you've been practicing" I encouraged and placed my fist out as he placed his boxing gloves on mine and I laid my head on his chest.

"Our hotel room is nice as hell you know and I've been craving you all day" I said as he smirked.

"After your check up hopefully you don't fall asleep on me since you've been sleepy lately." He joked as I playfully hit his chest.

"It's time" someone said peeking into the room. "Let's go get em" I stated as I placed Erik's hood to his robe over his head and he hit his gloves together.

I kissed his lips one last time and went to go fine a seat in the audience next to Tori and Jasmine.

We were front row and had a clear view of the fight. Erik made it to the ring and was looking yummy.

Will started taking his robe off

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Will started taking his robe off. I bit my lip as my pussy started getting wet. So I crossed my legs.

"I'm going to suck the fuck out of his dick tonight" I said lowly as Tori looked at me and laughed. "You acting like you don't see him everyday" Tori stated as I smirked looking him up and down.

The match started and it kept everyone at the edge of their seats. Erik was whooping ass. After about 12 rounds Erik hits started becoming more harder and faster.

The match ended at the 14th round and Erik won heavy weight champion of the world. The crowd jumped up and cheered and I smiled at everyone cheering for him.

I got up and walked into the ring jumping on him and kissed his cheek as he smiled throwing his hand in the air making the crowd louder.

I turned his head to look at me and he looked at me and I placed my lips on his bitting his bottom lip making him smirk.

Erik skipped talking to press as we walked back into the room where he got ready and I closed the door behind us.

Erik grabbed my hands and started kissing my lips as I kissed back. He slipped his hands in my jeans as my back was against the wall.

He moved my panties out the way as he felt my throbbing kat. "Damn You're wet" he said in a chuckle as I nodded.

"I know as soon as we get back to the hotel room it's you and me" I said as he took his hands from my pants and licked his fingers making me bite my lip.

APESHIT 2| Erik KillmongerXCreedWhere stories live. Discover now