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I won all the awards I was nominated for and I was feeling good. Y/N and I were cracking up all night to stupid shit like certain outfits and us talking shit to each other about when we get back home.

We finally got home and I placed the awards on the table then hurried and ran upstairs after Y/N.

She changed into some short stretched shorts and a tank top. "Go change before I whoop that ass standing there" she said as I chuckled taking my suit jacket off.

"You better hope that wig don't come off" I joked " I see you got jokes but my shit is sewn in" she started off as i chuckled.

"and you just mad because I don't let you grab it when you hitting it from the back" she said as I laughed.

I took my shirt off and just slid on some sweats. "That shit might actually fall out I'm scared" I said as she gave me a look.

"See this why you getting your ass beat where your gloves at?!" She asked pushing pass me as we went downstairs.

"No your baby hands cannot fit in mine" I started off "better get those baby ones jay got in her gift basket" I said as Y/N smacked her lips throwing a pillow from the couch at me.

I grabbed a pillow as we started play fighting. She pushed me onto the couch and jumped on me while hitting.

"Damn your strong hulk ass" I stated as she laughed then I pushed her off of me onto the floor. I pinned her down as she tried kicking to get away but couldn't.

"You give up?" I asked "yeah I'm sorry" she said then poked her lips out for me to kiss them.

As I was trying to give a simple innocent truce kiss she bit my lip and got away from me coming back with a pillow hitting me.

I then picked her up dropping her on the couch. I started tickling her feet as she tried to get away but I laid on her tickling them.

She was laughing as I continued she threw a pillow at me as I stopped and she was trying to catch her breath.

While catching her breath I licked the side of her face then ran. "Erik!" She yelled running after me as we ran upstairs.

I jumped onto the bed grabbing the pillow getting ready to block Y/N's hits. She jumped on top and started hitting me.

I wrapped my arms around her arms and her body then started squeezing her as she laughed. "I just want a kiss" she said as I shook my head "Nah because if you bite me again that's your ass" I said as she laughed and poked her lips out.

"Give me some love" she said before puckering her lips. I leaned in to kiss her as she kissed back then pulled away.

I then loosened my grip some and felt her lick my cheek then got away. "Bae lets take a bath!" I shouted going in the bathroom running the water.

"No why you being so soft?" She asked "well what the fuck, you want a shower?!" I asked as she giggled and started putting bubbles in the tub making it bubble up.

We got in the tub and Y/N flicked some water at me. "Remember you have to go to sleep tonight" I reminded.

"Yeah I know" she stated "so baby you know I want that house right?" She asked trying to seduce me into buying the house.
I just looked at her.

"Wow" I started off then looked at her and looked away "you always doing this seducing shit you act like I'm just a piece of meat, I got feelings too

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"Wow" I started off then looked at her and looked away "you always doing this seducing shit you act like I'm just a piece of meat, I got feelings too." I said looking away trying to be in my feelings but she wasn't having it.

"Shut up" She said mimicking the guy off YouTube she watches named Destin Troyce making me laugh.

"Right now you are because I was pregnant for how long? Carrying who baby? So yes I want dick and why I can't seduce you to get two things that I want at once?" She asked.

"Come here" I said with a smirk as she came over to me and kissed my cheek then my lips as I grabbed her waist sliding into her entrance as I groaned.

I felt her kiss my lips and bite my bottom lip softly. I smirked then started thrusting my hips up hearing her moan each time I thrusted.

She gripped at my shoulders as I continued thrusting at a slow pace. "Oh shit" she squealed throwing her head back and squeezing her eyes shut.

Her hands trailed from my shoulders to the edge of the tub behind me. She started riding as my opened and I let out groans.

"Fuck" I groaned as she moaned "I'm about to cum" she let out before whining.
"Hold that shit in" I groaned and grabbed her face so she could look me in my eyes.

"Shit I c-can't!" She moaned out with her eyes closed shut. "Open your eyes and look at me" I said as she bit her lip moaning and opened her eyes.

"Hold that shit in" I repeated as she whined. I started thrusting my hips up at a fast pace. "Daddy right there!" She shouted as I bit my bottom lip.

I stopped and kissed her lips adding my tongue. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I deepened the kiss then started thrusting up again as she moaned I between our kiss.

She took her lips away from mine moaning louder. I gripped her left breast taking it into my mouth as I kept thrusting.

"Ugh fuck!" She squealed then got up getting out the tub. I looked at her crazy and went after her bending her over the sink then slid in going at a fast pace.

Her moans, my groans, and our skins smacking is what filled the bathroom "don't run away from me" I said gripping her waist tight and pounding into her wet tightness.

"Oh god, I feel you in my stomach" she whined creaming as I pulled out and got on my knees licking her juices up and started playing with her clit.

"Erik" she said in a warning tone as I started sucking her clit. I grabbed her ass gripping them and tonguing her down.

She was gripping onto the counter and moaning. "Fuckkk!" She moaned out moving her hips against my tongue.

I felt her juices flow into to my mouth as she was breathing hard. I got up and picked her up taking her into the room and laying her on the bed.

I then slid in slowly placing my hands beside her head as her legs were over my shoulders.

I begun to thrust as she moaned loudly. "Where you going baby girl" I asked as she moaned pressing her hand against my ab. "Come back here" I growled as she Whined not moving away.

I kissed her lips and started thrusting slowly causing her to moan louder and louder.

She gripped my back digging her nails into my muscles as I kissed her neck. "N'jadaka" she moaned out as I continued my strokes.

"Say my name again" I groaned into her neck as she moaned lowly arching her back. I pecked her neck to her jaw then stopped at her lips "say my name again" I stated before doing slow strokes hitting her spot causing her to bite her lip.

I came as she just rubbed my chest kissing my lips. She then took her lips from mine and just looked at me "I love you" she said as I smiled and kissed her lips. "I love you too" I said then continued kissing her lips.

APESHIT 2| Erik KillmongerXCreedWhere stories live. Discover now