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The alarm both woke Erik and I up for 4 o'clock. I groaned turning in the bed as he got up. "Let's go you wanted to come for training." Erik said then kissed my ear as I sighed and got up.

We both took a shower finished our hygiene routine then got dressed.

I placed one of Erik's Nike white wind breakers on and zipped it up

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I placed one of Erik's Nike white wind breakers on and zipped it up. My body was sore as fuck almost as if I was working out.

I felt Erik place his hands on my butt and start shaking it as I groaned. "We can't sleep in later?" I asked. "Nah Will, will be here in a minute. Erik said as groaned.

"Well wake me up when he comes" I said as he chuckled massaging my things. "You're not slick we're not doing this days in a row" I said as he laughed.

"I can't just make sure you're straight?" He asked as I smiled looking at him. He kissed my lips then my stomach as he went further down trying to kiss my box and I smiled.

"You are so nasty, who made you like this?" I asked with my hand on the back of his head. "You like my nastiness so does it matter?" He asked pulling my shorts down some as I smiled.

He was right I loved it, he was in between love making and fucking my shit up he could go both ways and was good at both of them.

Someone beeped their horn as we went downstairs. I automatically locked up the house and got in the back seat of the car.
"Good morning sleeping beauty" will said trying to be funny as I laughed a little.

"Good morning" I said as he handed Erik some food to eat for breakfast. I fell asleep until it started getting blazing hot.

I woke up some and seen we were dead ass in the desert. "Where are we?" I asked looking out the window. "Hell" Erik stated looking out the window.

"You straight back there?" He asked turning some as I nodded. "Yeah" I said as we smiled at each other. Will parked his car as we both got out the car.

Erik unzipped his wind breaker taking it off as I took it from him. "I'm watching and if It looks bad you're not doing it Erik" I said in a serious tone as he nodded "aight" he said poking his lips out some as I kissed his lips.

I was watching him train as he was working hard as if nothing happened. Will was telling him what to do as Erik was listening. My phone dinged as it was letting me know that I have a notification.

I opened seeing a picture text message from Tiffany. It was a picture of Jamaria with hella food on her face everywhere she is so adorable. Sometimes I tear up at the thought of having her, Ive never thought I would be abled to get pregnant on top of that actually have the baby and get married everything was so surreal.

I needed to take a plan B as soon as I get home just in case birth control wants to fuck up again. I was watching him train as he was done with one of the trainings. He placed his hands on his knees breathing in and out as I walked over to him.

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