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We made it to the house and Erik gave Jamaria a bath then placed her to sleep. I went downstairs to go eat a damn salad I was so sick of this damn diet. Erik came downstairs from laying Jamaria in her crib.

I was trying not to make eye contact or anything. "You good?" He asked as I nodded "Nah, Whats wrong?" He asked coming next to me as I shook my head placing the salad back in the fridge I was about to order me some real food.

"Nothings wrong I'm just hungry" I said smiling at him some then placing my phone to my ear ordering my food after I was done I hung up.

"Okay you put jay to bed do you need anything else?" I asked taking my jewelry off "Nah I'm good I'm trying to see if you good before I leave" Erik stated as I smiled.

"I'm straight" I said and smiled at him "I see you trying to grow out your beard" I stated while grabbing his chin some.
"I look cute huh?" He asked smiling as I giggled and nodded.

"You do I ain't even going to lie" I said as he chuckled and placed his hands on my waist. I wrapped my arm around his neck while I kept touching his beard.

"Damn that's crazy any style you do, you're still fine" I said as he chuckled. "I missed you" he said as I nodded " I missed you too" I said lowly as he laughed "you what?" He asked as I smacked my lips.

"I missed you too" I said louder as his dimples popped out in his smile. He kissed my lips as I kissed back. He pulled away as I looked down.

"Erik I'm really trying with you and I can't it's like dealing with the devil himself" I started off as he chuckled "what you trying to say?" He asked as his hands went from my waist to my butt.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about" I said as he took his shirt off "oh so you know what you're doing?" I asked as he smirked.

"Just give me the word I already know what you want" he said while smirking. "Get out" I said smiling as his smirk dropped. "Goodnight" I said smiling and trying to walk away as he grabbed my hand then turned me around pinning my hands onto the marble island.

I started feeling kisses on my thighs then the inside of my thighs. I turned some "Eri-" I started off till he cut me off. "Keep your hands down" he said as I kept my hands on the island with Then felt his warm tongue on my pearl.

"Mmm" I moaned out lowly as it soon started getting louder. "Oh god!" I moaned leaning my head back. my legs started getting weak as he lifted me up and placed me on the island and continued eating as I grip the side of the counter.

He gripped my thighs swirling and flicking his tongue as my juices flowed out into his mouth. My breathing was uneven as I turned off my belly sitting up on my elbows.

Erik grabbed my waist sliding my body closer to him as he started kissing my lips. Erik picked me up but I got out his arms.
"We cannot have sex none of that" I said sighing as he ignored me and picked me up taking me upstairs.

"Erik no" I said pointing at him as he dropped me on the bed. "Oh my gosh Erik put your pants back on" I said falling back on the bed and covering my face.

He grabbed my thighs and I felt him slide in. I bit my lip and gripped his back. "Oh g-god" I moaned as he started stroking at a slow pace.

He slid my shirt off then grabbed my waist going the same pace. I kept clenching because it's been a minute and it hurts some.

"Wait" I moaned out placing my hand on his chest as he kissed my lips and he looked at me. "Wait Erik" I repeated as he stopped. "You're too big" I moaned as he pulled out some.

"Nah take it all, you know damn well you can take every inch stop being sensitive, you got all that mouth but can't take dick I don't understand you" he said then placed all his inches in me as I gripped hard onto his arms.

"F-fuck is wrong with you?" I asked as I heard gushy noises "T-This why I can't stand you" I got out before moaning as he smirked and started going harder "keep talking your shit" he stated as we heard skins clapping along with my moans and his groans.

"Ughh" I frustratedly let out while arching my back. "You done playing these games?!" He asked as my eyes rolled back and I bit my lip.

"You upset about something?" He asked "keep talking your sh-" I started off before a loud moan escaped my lips. "Keep what?" He asked "Daddy I missed you" I moaned grabbing his back as he kissed my neck.

"Damn it's so wet" he groaned as he slipped out.


My phone was ringing as I groaned some I picked my phone up and looked at it seeing my manager Samantha. "Hello?" I answered "hey remember you have a meeting with the producers of Empire today" she reminded.

"Um yeah I'm getting ready as we speak" I said getting up and nudging Erik so he could get up. "The truck will be out waiting in 30 minutes" she said "okay see you there" I said hanging up.

"Erik watch jay I have to go to this meeting" I said as he groaned "babe I got to go work out" he said as I sighed "well can you get her ready for me?" I asked as he groaned and I threw a pillow at him.

"Better get up you ain't supposed to be here you were supposed to be a booty call" I said as he smacked my butt making me giggle.

I got in the shower and hurried out finishing my hygiene routine. I got out and curled my hair did lite makeup then proceeded to get dressed.

I grabbed my purse and threw it over my shoulder

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I grabbed my purse and threw it over my shoulder. Then looked at my phone seeing Erik with a girl at a club, she was dancing all over him and kissed his lips. I sighed then I went into Jamaria's room seeing Erik dressing her as she kept kicking her feet and laughing.

I smiled "Jay we need to go stop giving daddy a hard time" I said as Erik chuckled. "Here go to mommy" Erik said "bye bae be safe" he said trying to give me a kiss but I backed away.

"No all of this is done" I said with a small short chuckle. "What's wrong with you?" He asked as I sighed. "Check the news" I stated and walked out with Jamaria.

Erik called after me as I sighed "Erik save it, don't talk to me unless it's about Jamaria I have nothing to say to you" I said as Erik blocked me from going outside.

"Babe I was drunk when we were dancing" he said "is she an ex?" I asked "is she an ex?!" I questioned again. "Yeah it's Catherine" he said as I sighed "bye" I said

"Y-" he started off as I shook my head "do you still talk to her?" I asked "yeah but we were just cool" he said as I nodded "did you sleep with her?" I asked as he got quiet.

"I know you heard me" I stated "No I would never do that to you" he said "yeah but you're still talking to her and kissing her, you know what have fun with the girl this the same bitch that broke your heart" I said before walking out to the truck.

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