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It was February and Tomorrow was Jamaria's first birthday and I was doing some running around for Y/N since she wasn't feeling too good. Lately she's been throwing up and snapping on everyone.

I was starting to think that Coachella shit was bothering her and getting into her head making her sick.  But as usually she won't go to the doctor or anything because she's pushing herself to do Coachella.

I picked up Jamaria's cake and went to the house taking Jamaria out the car and the cake.

"Don't ever say me and mommy don't love you because all this unicorn shit about to be the death of me" I said as she smiled

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"Don't ever say me and mommy don't love you because all this unicorn shit about to be the death of me" I said as she smiled.

I sat her cake on the island and placed her in her pack and play as she started playing with her toys. "Baby girl!" I yelled as I went upstairs.

I walked into our room then our bathroom

I walked into our room then our bathroom

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seeing her over the toilet throwing up. I rubbed her back as she continued. She got up slowly and flushed the toilet going to the sink to clean herself up.

I watched her as she didn't look good at all. "I'm calling your doctor go get in the bed" I stated as she sighed "Erik I'm fine baby I'm just really nauseous and sleepy." She explained as I shook my head and walked towards her.

She placed her fore head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her body. "Go get in the bed baby girl I'll call her so she can come over." I said as Y/N nodded and I kissed her head.

I watched her walked out the bathroom and get under the covers in the bed.
I dialed her doctors number and asked her to look at Y/N. Once I was finished I went downstairs putting the cake away.

I started playing with Jamaria until my phone started ringing. I answered it automatically. "Hey mama" I said "hey baby how's Y/N?" She asked "she's still throwing up and tired but won't sit down no where I just got her to lay down" I said as my mother sighed.

"My poor baby" she squealed as I chuckled. "She's been glowing lately too Erik" my mother brought up. "Mama you always say she's glowing, she's not pregnant we already took a test" I explained in a chuckle.

"She took that test back in December" my mother stated as I chuckled "Y/N isn't pregnant" I stated as she laughed.

"If you say so sweetheart" my mother said "and her doctor is coming so we'll see" I added as she laughed "she's pregnant Erik" my mother repeated.

"Ma the doctors here" I lied as she chuckled "bye" she said hanging up. I walked in the rooms seeing Y/N on her phone.

"Babe come here" she said smiling as I climbed in the bed next to her "my outfits came in" she said in a raspy voice some.
I looked at the outfits and it was nice she was definitely getting a baby the last day of Coachella.

"That's nice you ready" I asked kissing her face some as she shrugged "I'm scared" she said and pecked my lips.

"Don't worry about it you've been having hella practices and you look good. Your band is good everything is perfect" I stated trying to cheer her up as she smiled.

"Besides that ass looking good" I stated as she giggled. "Tara's outfit came in too" she said as I seen it. "She's not wearing that" I stated "but it matches the theme and my outfit" she said.

" don't care you're grown and those short Hell Nah" I stated "well jasmine said she likes it" she teased rolling her eyes some.

"I don't give a fuck what jasmine got to say" I said as the bell rung and I went downstairs. I opened the door and greeted her doctor.

She followed me upstairs as Y/N was laying on the bed under the covers. "Hi
Y/N, how are you feeling?" Her doctor asked as I crossed my arms watching them.

"I'm okay" she lied "no she's been throwing up and working on this performance non stop since September" I butted in.

"Mrs. Stevens you need to rest, take off at least a month" the doctor stated as Y/N groaned. "I can't take off a month it's in April and it's February" she complained.

"So she's off for a month?" I asked as cute doctor nodded. "She needs to eat too and to get a lot of rest" her doctor said.

"You're doing too much and you just need to rest that's all" the doctor said before she said her goodbyes Andean as I gave
Y/N a look.

"You already know" I warned as she smacked her lips and laid back on the pillows. "Can I help you later with the decorations?" She asked "maybe" I said as she sighed.

"You need to rest" I stated kissing her head as she huffed and turned the tv on. I got in the bed next to her kissing her neck as she smiled.

"Move im supposed to be resting" she mocked as I chuckled. I laid my head on her chest. "Erik after Coachella....we need a mother fucking vacation!" She let out as I laughed.

"I thought you were going to say something important like us having a child or something" I said In a chuckle.

"No we still got to have the wedding I kind of don't want to be pregnant coming down the aisle" she said as I smiled. "I want to see you pregnant coming down the aisle, it hits differently when you're pregnant" I stated.

"Because you hate to admit that since it's been you, jay and I that you're becoming a little sensitive" she joked as I chuckled. "Don't make me grow these dreads back out to prove a point" I stated.

"You can grow all of it back but still be sensitive" she stated as I looked at her. "You really think I'm becoming sensitive?" I asked as she giggled.

"No you just have a soft spot for your family and that's okay, you still fuck me like you ain't got no sense and still be on your bullshit so no" she said as I chuckled.

"I don't be on my bull shit like I used to be" I said as she giggled "you do sometimes boxing must have been an outlet for you" she said as I smiled and shook my head.

"It was But you and Jay are my outlets from everything. I was with several woman and was still hurting but I'm with you and I don't know it's different" I started as she smiled.

"I don't know you are something different everything about you and I can't explain it, All I want is you." I said as she kissed my lips.

"I love you Erik" she said in a giggle as I smiled "I love you too" I stated kissing her head. "Get some rest" I said as she nodded and went to sleep.

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