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It seemed like Y/N's aunt was pushing even more with the rumors even saying I don't treat her right and it's getting out of control. Y/N and I need to come clean about us dating everyone suspects us dating but us engaged was going to shock everyone especially her saying she's in a relationship and me saying I'm engaged to someone.

I was getting Jamaria and I ready while
Y/N was at the studio. Her fans were dying to know who she was in a relationship with but then they wanted us to be together and they just have no idea.

The Picture of Jamaria didn't surface yet it was still a blur over her face and lawyers are getting involved. Y/N and I were filing a "cease and desist". Meaning if Y/N's didn't stop then she will be held accountable in court and will be sued there was also a restraining order placed against her for Y/N and the Baby's safety. She isn't even allowed to come to any of Y/N's shows.

Also another thing she is being sued for is "defamation of character" then if she continues after Y/N's aunt will have jail time.

I got Jamaria dressed

"You ready to go see mommy?" I asked her as she cracked a little smile

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"You ready to go see mommy?" I asked her as she cracked a little smile. "Trust me I am too, we've been in this house all day and we need to get out." I said kissing her chubby cheek.

I started getting dressed as my phone rung. I looked seeing Y/N's contact name pop up along with her picture.

I answered it placing on my pants. "What's up mama?" I asked "nothing I took a break what you and Jamaria up to?" She asked "nothing we about to go eat and go to the gym" I lied as she giggled "so you're going to teach her how to box?" She asked as I chuckled.

"Of course she got to keep the haters and the boys off of her" I said making her laugh. "Alright I'll see y'all when I get home" she said as I smiled.

"But when can I have you to myself?" I asked as I could tell she was smiling on the other end. "I promise you can fully have me after this MTV awards performance." She stated as I sighed "not even a quickie?" I asked "you only got like a couple of weeks and shouldn't you be training?" She asked.

"Yeah but I miss my baby so how can I train if I miss you?" I asked "so you want me in your corner physically?" She asked "yeah I miss it" I said sitting on the bed.

"Erik I'm always here I'm just waiting for you to get back in the ring ONCE you are fully better" she said as I sighed heavily making her laugh and I laugh.

"I'll be home in a couple of hours don't trip and I'll give you a little treat since you can't wait" she said as I smirked "sounds like a plan" I said as she giggled "love you" she stated "love you too!" I said before we hung up.

I finished getting dressed then went downstairs placing Jamaria in her car seat and in the truck going to the store picking up everything Y/N was supposed to get after she came from the studio but I got it so she wouldn't have to worry about it.

I then went back home unloading it then went to the studio with her food.


I was in the booth singing this last note and as I was singing I seen the door open and Erik walking in with the car seat covered behind the glass.

I smiled and finished my verse I put up the headphones walking out the booth seeing my mans.

I did a little dance as he chuckled then I just hugged him as he hugged back kissing my lips

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I did a little dance as he chuckled then I just hugged him as he hugged back kissing my lips. "Here I got your favorite" he said handing me a bag with Chinese food in it.

I started dancing then looked at Jamaria in her car seat sleep. I kissed her head placing the blanket back over her car seat.

We sat on the sofa together and was eating. "Thank you" I said as he smiled "You straight just as long as you let me get one of your honey chickens" he said as he took his plastic fork eating one.

"So what you been up to?" He asked as I sighed "this song but it feels like it's missing something." I said as he smirked "its missing me" he stated as I smiled "you can't even rap" I said as he chuckled.

"Damn you see mommy trying to come for daddy" he said looking over at Jamaria's car seat. "Too bad she's sleep try again next time" I said as he took another one of my honey chicken.

I smacked my lips then got up. The producer started playing my song. Erik was bumping his head then smiled.

"This song got to be about me" he said as I smiled "I guess it is, if it makes you feel better" I said as He stale faced me.

"Nicki Minaj wants to hop on a track with you" the producer stated as I looked over at Erik and he shook his head.

"Why?!" I asked whining "I just don't like her" he stated "you don't know her" I said
"Neither do you" he stated "and besides her and Cardi beefing and I don't want your name in no other shit. She always in some shit Y/N" he said as I sighed and sat next to him.

"Now you're stopping my bag" I said with a sigh as he tried to not crack a smile. "No She better stop wanting to collab and go collab with someone else" Erik said as I smacked my lips.

"She can do it" I told the producer smiling as Erik gave me a look. "Oh so another baby is what I'm hearing?" He asked as I rolled my eyes. "She can come in tomorrow to do her verse." I said to the producer.

Erik and I finally went back home and I knew I was about to hear his mouth. I placed Jamaria in her pajamas then laid her in her crib. I closed the door.

"YO Y/N!" I heard Erik from call me from downstairs. I ain't even answer I just walked down stairs. "Yeah?" I asked as he turned.

"So you going to do the collab anyway?! Why you even trying to associate yourself with her she's drama and lately been in a lot of shit. Collab with some-" I cut him off.

"You want some head?" I asked throwing him off some "I'm trying to be deadass and you-" I cut him off "Erik I've been up since five something and we fighting over a bitch that I'm probably not even going to talk to once this collab is over with, so do you want some head or not?" I asked as he ain't really know how to approach this situation.

I sat him on the couch and pulled his basketball shorts down along with his briefs and started throwing this neck.

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