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March 13, 1980
-Freddie's POV-
We were number one. Queen was the band everyone knew and talked about. It was a dream come true.

The issue was who we are. Roger and Brian weren't the issue as they were still a happy family but me and John hadn't gotten back together after our breakup in 1975. It had been almost 5 years.

I was still madly in love with him and wanted to start it all over again but I couldn't. I have a new boyfriend called Paul Prenter. John has a new boyfriend. The worst part is that it's...Charlie. After all the manipulation, he still ended up with him.

I wanted to be a good friend and support his decision but when it comes to who, I'm not so happy for him. Every time he walks into the studio with him, both jealousy and anger go through my blood.

It happened today when I was sat with Roger and Brian and their two children, Daniel and Adeline. She was adorable and she loved me. Daniel was almost 6 now and Addy was 2.

John trembled through the door, alone. He was shaking profusely and crying his eyes out. I immediately went up to him and grabbed his hands to take him over here. After 5 years I still grab his hands.

I sat him down and tried to calm him down. I got a cup of tea as well as a blanket so put around him. After a while, he stuttered, "C-Charlie is doing it a-again..." A huge wave of anger came through me. I muttered to myself, "Why didn't we just keep the restraining order?" John didn't try to ask what I said, he just looked at me with those sad puppy dog eyes.

"Leave him, John. He's not good for you!" I shouted not too loud. It made John worse, "I-I can't! If I d-do, he's going t-t-to hurt m-me!" A part of me wanted to stay with John but the other wanted to kill Charlie. That part won.

"I'll be back, darlings. Make sure John calms down!" I shouted as I left. I didn't know where my boyfriend was at the moment but I was going to find him so he can help. He's very strong.

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