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-John's POV-
"You aren't meant to read that!" He yelled, obviously panicking. I smiled, "It's beautiful, Freddie." He blushed madly and walked up to me.

He put his arms around my neck and pulled me close, "I love you so much." I put my arms round his waist and repeated what he said.

"What are you cooking? It smells nice," I asked, letting go of him.
"Chilli con carne and we will drink Moët & Chandon!" He exclaimed. It was his favourite food and drink.

"I still can't believe we're getting married in a few weeks!" I squealed excitedly. He chuckled, "We already seem like a married couple, darling!"

He hadn't said that in such a long time that it felt like the real Freddie was emerging from the darkness. It was sexy.

"It's done!" He yelled, putting it on plates. I grabbed it and ran into the dining room. I was starving.

He laughed at me when I dashed out but it wasn't a mocking laugh, of course. He shouted, "You forgot your champagne!" I chuckled but shouted back, "You bring it, I'm eating!"

I loved food.

"This is technically a date, isn't it?" I asked with a flirty smile. He did it back, "Yes, of course it is. We're having dinner and we're fiancés so I think this classes as a date!"

"You're so complex."

After food, he led me upstairs in hopes of getting me to have sex with him. I was too exhausted and just flopped on the bed and fell asleep.

I woke up half way through the night and started panicking about the wedding. My parents wouldn't come, even if they did start to accept me.

I couldn't help but cry into the pillow silently. Freddie was holding on to me as he slept.

If he only knew what was happening in my head...

(AN: Sorry this one is a bit crap! Do you want me to finish it in the next chapter on the wedding or should I stall it a bit!?)

Radio GaGa (Renamed) (Sequel to Forbidden Loves)Where stories live. Discover now