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-Roger's POV-
Brian arrived late. It was almost midnight and he had just gotten back. Granted, we did return to the hotel at 11 but where has he been for an hour? When he walked through the door, I questioned him, "So, where the fuck have you been?" He was startled by me being awake whilst the kids were asleep.

"I was with John..." He muttered. Something about that felt wrong, "Is something wrong with him or is something happening between you two?" He was shocked by what I had said, "What the hell, I love and are married to you! Why would I cheat on you with John?"
"It makes sense, you're always with him now..." I mumbled as tears came rolling down my cheeks. He walked up to me, put his hands on the sides of my head and pressed his lips against mine.

I kissed back, refusing to let him go. But he let go, "Does that prove my love?" I nodded slowly and whispered, "I love you..."
"I have always loved you."
"Do you want to hear something romantic?"
"Isn't anything you say romantic?"
"Yes or no?"
"Get the fuck off me, I need a piss." I threw him off as I giggled my way to the bathroom. His laughing echoed through the room.

When I returned, he was still laying there laughing. I moved him and got into bed. He wouldn't shut up.
"Brian, I swear to god if you don't fucking shut up, I'm going to suffocate you." Unfortunately he kept laughing and laughing. I shouted over the laughter, "You're gonna wake the kids!" He didn't stop. I threw a pillow at him, it pushed him off the bed, but he didn't stop laughing.

"Daddy, what's going on?" Addy yawned as she had woken up. I shot Brian a state then picked up my Adeline, "It's okay, your other daddy is being a bit stupid. Go back to sleep." I rested her back down. She nodded as she drifted back off.

"Come on, just shut up and come to bed."

Radio GaGa (Renamed) (Sequel to Forbidden Loves)Where stories live. Discover now