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September 3, 1983
-Roger's POV-
"Briiiiiian, hurry up!" I shouted up the stairs, holding my baby close, "We need to go the supermarket for some stuffff!"
He yelled from our room, "I'm coming!"

I looked at my boy, Daniel. I smiled, "Can I trust you to not go out and do drugs? Can you look after your sister?" His eyes filled with tears but he nodded.

Brian ran down the stairs at the speed of light in a very casual outfit. He looked great. He smiled, "Ready?" I nodded and told Daniel as we left, "Be good. Maybe invite Jem over but NO DOING DRUGS."
"I know, I know. Bye!" He shouted as Bri closed our door.

We went to a local supermarket with our little Felix. I prayed when I walked in that no one would notice us and realise who we are.

However as soon as we were in the bag aisle, a young girl spotted us and squealed. She yelled at us, "ITS ROGAH TAYLAH AND BRIAN MAYYYYY!!!!!" She came up and hugged us.

Soon her parents came over, not as happy. They looked disgusted, "Why is there a child with you?" I didn't say anything but Brian defended us, "It's Roger's child with his wife. Don't tell anyone about it."

They smiled but still looked a bit disgusted, "Then why are you with each other here?"
"I help him, he forgets things and I thought I'd come along for the fun of it!" Brian exclaimed, making me sound stupid.

I chuckled, "He's right. I always forget!" The mother of the child smiled and said, "It was nice to meet you!" The girl whispered to me as she left, "A machine of dream, such a clean machine." I laughed as she left.

"What's so funny?" Brian asked. I just kept laughing. I'd tell him later.

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