Fuck You

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-Freddie's POV-
"I hope you're joking Fred!" Roger yelled when I told them. I shook my head, "Paul told me that CBS wanted me." John broke down even more. Brian looked up, "How much?"
"4 million pounds." I mumbled. Roger's face went into a 'I can't believe this' look.

As if he was listening, Paul walked through. Roger grabbed him and pressed him against the wall, "Are you trying to break up the band! You dickhead!" He was lucky the kids weren't around. I pulled Roger away, "Don't. It's not going to change anything."

"Fuck you, Freddie Mercury and a big fuck you to you Paul Prenter!" He yelled as he stormed out. Brian left right after.

John just sat there in shock. Tears ran down his face for a second time. I wish I hadn't said anything. I gave John a hug, "This doesn't change anything!" He pushed me away and walked out. Paul came over, "It's okay. They'll get used to it." He put his hand on my butt. I smacked his hand away, "I'm with John now. You can't do that to me."

He smirked, "I can do what I want." He was trying to get me to cheat. He grabbed my already erect member. I pushed him away and stormed out. I whispered to myself, "Fuck." He followed me out but I ran before he could get close.

I went to John's house to pray he would be there. He wasn't in. I knocked multiple times and even looked in the window. Nothing. I broke the door down. After his last attempt, I didn't want anything to happen.

He was laid on his bed...surrounded by pills of all shapes and sizes. I grabbed his unconscious body, "John! Babe, it's okay! I'm going to help you!" I grabbed the phone and rang for an ambulance.

"Babe, don't do this to me...I love you..."

Radio GaGa (Renamed) (Sequel to Forbidden Loves)Where stories live. Discover now