Obnoxiously Annoying

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(AN: This is going to be a different PoV so let me know if you like seeing things from the kids perspective x)

-Daniel's POV-
"I was tired of waiting in the office for you so I brought myself out. Calm down." I grumbled to my annoying parents. They were always so anxious. It was annoying.

"Thank god. Don't do that though! It scares the crap out of us! You could have been kidnapped or something!" My dad, Brian, yelled. I rolled my eyes, "Well I'm not so can we drop it?"

I always had an attitude with them. They were nosy and constantly worrying about us. Other parents don't worry as much as they do. It's crazy.

We drove to go pick Addy up. Addy was always so obnoxiously annoying. She would be loud and have too high of a voice. I hated her.

She got in the car and tried hugging me, "Hiiiiii big brotherrrrr!" I pushed her away from me. I did not want any physical contact at the moment. She pulled a sad face and complained, "Dadsssss, Daniel isn't being kiiind!"

They gave me a look to make me apologise. I sat there in silence. Dad No2, Roger, shouted, "Apologise now!" I did an eye roll again, it was my signature thing, and looked at my sister, "I'm sorry. Happy now?" She nodded as did Dad No1.

When we got home, I immediately went upstairs without saying a word. I picked up my bass and started tuning it. I was interrupted by a banging on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled. Dad Brian stormed in, "We've solved it at school so lighten up!"
"Schools going to do NOTHING! As soon as I go back tomorrow, everyone is going to be waiting for me. Just go away, Dad."

He sighed and said as he left, "What happened to my lovely boy..."

It broke me.

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