You Did It For You

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-John's POV-
"I want you out of our life and out of the band's career!" I yelled as I pushed Prenter out of the room. A smirk came across his face, "You get me out of this and I'll make sure you and Freddie are outed."

That stumped me. I hadn't come out yet and I wasn't open about mine and Freddie's relationship. We were hidden away indoors, only ever being out in another country. I sighed, "Fine, stay in our fucking lives but stop interfering with our relationship." He nodded, "That sounds about right. See you tomorrow, make sure you're early."

As he walked away, my hands became tightly clenched fists. How could he dare to think of outing my relationship and hurt the man he loves? Tears streamed down as I stepped back into our room. Freddie barely noticed since he was still in shock of the attempted rape. I went over to his soaked body and gave him a tight hug.

"You're tense." He muttered. I looked into his eyes, "I'm fine. Just know, he won't ruin in our relationship anymore but he's not gone yet." He started bawling again, "Why isn't he gone?" I let out a long and hard sigh, "He said he'd out us if I forced him out of our lives. I did it for us."

"I'm happily out, you did it for you..." He mumbled under his breath. I gave him a look but didn't say anything. We have had enough drama for one night. I got into bed and turned off the lights. I was getting bored of this all.

All the petty drama between me and Freddie and Paul. Paul was ruining our lives and stopping our happiness. I wanted to kill him but my pure heart wouldn't allow me to. If I only I could get him out without us being outed or him being dead...

If only...

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