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-John's POV-
I had to go see my parents. Not by choice. Freddie wanted me to see them. They needed to know the truth. But what is the truth? That I am in a gay relationship? That I'm in love with Freddie Mercury? That I'm gay?

All of it is the truth.

They have another, more homophobic, side to the story. A side I did not approve of. The side that I hated the most. Those fucking stupid journalists. I had started contemplating the point of living. I had wondered what it would be like to be dead. Have no emotions and not have to see anything.

I was driven by Freddie to my parents house. It was not a choice. He was holding my hand for the whole journey, trying desperately to reassure me. Honestly, it was working. I was feeling calmer than I was when I woke up.

We pulled up right outside. My mom was already stood at the door, a disappointed look on her face. All my fears came back when I stepped out of the car. I smiled and went to hug her, "Hi mom." She moved away from me, "I'm not letting you in. You chose the sinful path. You are not my son."

Those last words hurt me the most. Freddie tried to intervene, "Calm down, he is still John. He just has a different preference." She just turned around, walked back into the house and slammed the door. As we were walking away, Julie came running out. She gave us both a hug, "Don't worry, I still love you."

It gave me a little smile but my mom's reaction ruined everything for me. A depression cast over me and I started to feel dead. I didn't want to be here anymore. Death seemed like an option. Suicide even. My parents wouldn't care. The boys could get over it.

Maybe soon...

Radio GaGa (Renamed) (Sequel to Forbidden Loves)Where stories live. Discover now