Forget Freddie

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-John's POV-
I didn't understand what he was going through!? I fully understood but I had it even worse than him because I had an abusive relationship with a manipulative man.

I had stormed out of the studio to go home. Home was the only safe place but at the same time it reminded me of everything Charlie put me through. I was only reminded of it because I'd talked about it.

I got changed into all black/leather and went to the club. Home wasn't good enough and if I was at the club I could forget everything with a drink. Maybe have a kiss or two?

I planned to forget everything that was going on. Forget everyone and everything. Forget life exists. Forget Freddie.

When I walked in, the atmosphere was crazy. People were dancing, drinking and some were doing coke. It made me want to join in even though I hated drugs. One person who was taking drugs caught my eye.

Paul was here. And I think he would be the rebound from my argument.

I got 10 tequila shots and took them all. I had to be drunk and confident to pursue the plan. Once they were gone, I went over to Paul, "Hey there." I was already slurring my words.

He turned to me, "Hey cutie!" He put an arm around me. The plan was working.
"You never come here, what are you doing?" He slurred. He obviously thought I was someone else.
"I wanted a change."
"Oh Fred, I knew you'd find me here! I knew you still loved me!" He exclaimed drunkenly.

Shit. He thought I was Fred.

As if like magic, Freddie walked in and pulled me away, "What are you doing?"
"How did you find me?" I asked, trying not to seem like I'd had 10 shots. His face heated up, "I followed you from the studio because I wanted to apologise but I saw you come here!"

"Aww you're so sweet!" I said as I put my arms around his neck to kiss him. Paul noticed but didn't take much notice since people were all over him.
"Lets get you home?" Fred suggested. 
"No funny business." I told him.


Radio GaGa (Renamed) (Sequel to Forbidden Loves)Where stories live. Discover now