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-Roger's POV-
What is happening to me!? The nurses were taking me to a private room! I was in labour! Two fucking months early. I hate it.

"Mr Taylor, how long have you been in labour?" asked one of the nurses. I asked her, "What time is it?"
"6:52." She said with a bit of annoyance at my question. I could have just looked myself.
"Since 4 then!" I yelled as another contraction came.
"Okay, you're not far then." She said.

I don't know where Brian went. He went to get the kids but he's still not back. The nurses laid me comfortably on the hospital bed. Well, they thought I was comfortable. It's a fucking hospital bed, why do they think I'm comfortable!?

Brian came running in with a tired Addy in his arms and a trudging Daniel who was half asleep. He put her in one chair and pushed Daniel so he could get to sleep quicker.

He came to me with a wide arms for a cuddle, "Are you okay? How many have you had? Have they told you how far you are yet?"
"Overwhelming, much!? I'm fine, I've had a few and I'm only 6cm but it's not possible for me to be in labour. It's early..." I snapped. These hormones.

He obviously ignored my snap and smiled, "It's going to be worth it! They will have a new sibling and we'll have a new baby. It's going to be amazing!" It didn't make me feel happy enough. I smiled though, "I know but it's scary and it really hurts me."

He gave me one huge hug to make me feel a bit better. I love him so much.

A few hours later
"You're almost there! His head is there!" yelled Bri as he looked at what was happening. The kids were still asleep so they wouldn't be scarred.

A baby cry stopped me. The nurse lifted him up to me. He was covered in blood but he was beautiful.

"Do we have a name?"
"Yes. Felix Luther Taylor."

Radio GaGa (Renamed) (Sequel to Forbidden Loves)Where stories live. Discover now