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January 30, 1984
-Roger's POV-
I pulled Daniel and Addy against their wills to the shopping center. They needed to get an outfit for the wedding. Daniel only had emo clothes and Addy had millions of princess clothes.

Daniel moaned, "I don't want to have to do thiiiiis!" Addy, being the little grown up she is, scolded him, "This is a great occashion! You haaaave to look smart!"

She reminded me of myself, sassy and clever. She was the perfect mix of me and Brian.

"Well, it's not my fault I hate anything grand and amazing. But fine, I'll make an effort just this once." He mumbled to her.

He worried me sometimes with his behaviour. He was always grumpy. He'll get rid of that soon.

"Come on, this tailor is great. He always did me as a kid!" Brian said, smiling so happily when he saw the shop.

An old, broomstache man stood there looking at Brian, "Oh, Brian May! I have not seen you since you were 18. How are you!"
"I'm great, Harold!" He said, putting his arm round him and pointing, "This guy is the reason my middle name is Harold!" (AN: Not a fact lol)

I could see Harold hand go down to Brian's arse. Brian looked a bit uncomfortable but still in a good enough of a mood to still be in a semi-hug with him.

He called Daniel up first to get his measurement. His hand went a little too close to Daniel's area and I snapped, "What the fuck do you think you are doing?"

He looked startled, like he'd be caught, "What do you mean? I'm doing my job for you!"
"You are being inappropriate to both my child and my husband!" I yelled.

Brian came up to me and tried calming me down but I wouldn't, "I saw him touch you earlier! And his hand is very close to Daniel! Plus, I've seen the way he looked at Addy when she walked in!"

His face went down, "I've seen it all too." He grabbed Adeline and Daniel and took them out. I shouted for him to burn in hell as I walked out.

I asked Brian what happened when he was a kid. He sobbed, "He touched me when I was a kid but told me never to tell anyone. And I never did until today. I'm sorry for taking our kids there..."

"It's not your fault..."

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