Pierre Gagnaire

140 11 4

August 15, 1983
-John's POV-
We had spend two days inside cuddling in front of the tv, watching Freddie's favourites like Some Like It Hot. Surprisingly amazing film!

We were still cuddled now but Freddie was asleep. As quietly as possible, I tip toed into the kitchen area of our room to make some cheese on toast. It's my favourite.

After masking the first lot, a squinting Freddie came to me. He asked, "Why are you out of bed?" He obviously planned to not leave for the entire time.
I scoffed, "I was hungry. And I want to get out today. It's such a beautiful city and we've not even left our room!"

He smiled, "Okay, we'll have a look today and then tonight we're going out to a restaurant."
"Ooh, what's the name of the restaurant?" I asked as I gave him a hug.
"It's a surprise!" He yelled. Suddenly the toast flew out of the toaster and hit Freddie in the face.

I burst out laughing and couldn't stop. I was pretty much crying. He was laughing too but he was also in a bit of pain.

When I had calmed down, I looked at his head. Where the toast had hit there was a bright red mark. It burnt his forehead. It set me off again for around 20 minutes.

After I calmed down, we got dressed and went out to look around. We went to the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe. It was all so beautiful.

We spent most of our day running around by the tower. We took pictures, since I brought a camera with me, and just had fun.

We went back to the hotel to change into suits. Apparently, this place was quite fancy so we had to look smart.

He dragged me along with him to a beautiful place called Pierre Gagnaire. It was beautiful.

Freddie pulled my chair out like a gentleman, "For you." I gave him a smile and a cheeky kiss on the cheek, "Why thank you, kind sir!"

A few hours later
We headed back to the hotel after such a beautiful meal. I would definitely go back.

When we got back, Fred instructed me to stay outside. I asked, "Why are you doing this?"
"You'll see!" He shouted as he went back in and closed the door.

He emerged a few minutes later and pulled me in. He had made the room look super romantic. He tapped my shoulder and I turned around.

He was on one knee. With a ring in a box.

"Will you marry me, John Deacon?"

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