A Jumping Kid

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April 17, 1980
-Roger's POV-
Two days into our week long holiday and already the kids don't want to leave. They love it here. They love going to all the places that their daddies had gone to before them.

We took them to the same hotel, stayed in a different room since the room we stayed in was too romantic and small for us all and we took them to Tast-ller. They didn't really like it but we loved it.

Reliving all of those memories was so beautiful except I can do stuff now I'm not pregnant whilst being here.

A jumping kid awoke me, "Daaaaaddieeeees! Wake upppp it's nooooon!" It was our little Addy. I chuckled and looked at Brian. He had put a pillow over his face and screamed, "No! I want to stay here!"
Adeline face dropped but I picked her up for a cuddle, "We can go somewhere just us and your brother."

I looked over to Daniel. He was fast asleep just like his father. They were so alike. I whispered to Addy, "Or just us. The other two need their sleep." She nodded enthusiastically and got up to get herself dressed. She was getting better at doing it by herself.

The radio started playing One And One Is Two. I almost cried happily since this was our song. I forced Brian up and he started dancing with me once he was fully awake and aware of the song. Addy was making 'awww' sounds since this was so romantic.

Once the song was over, I placed a kiss on Brian's lips and got myself dressed. Adeline was done ages ago but she understood how important that was for us. It was our wedding song. It was so beautiful.

"Can we goooooo now!?" She whined desperately, "I want some daddy tiiiiiime!" I nodded and held her hand to leave the room.

She loved going out just us. Especially to the beach.

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