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March 27, 1980
-Brian's POV-
"Do you remember Barcelona?" I asked my husband as we laid in bed. He looked at me, "How could I forget? I had told you about Daniel, it was the best week of my life."

How could it have been when we were exposed to the public? Our relationship out in the open without our choice?

Then again, it was the most beautiful place we'd ever been. The beach was so clean and beautiful, the hotel was perfection and the sunsets were amazing.

"Have you wanted to go back since?" I asked, rubbing his arm. Before he could answer, Daniel and Addy came running in and jumped on us.
"Daddies!" They yelled together. Daniel wrapped his arms around my neck whilst Addy did it to Roger.

Daniel was more like me and preferred me even though he loved us both. Same with Addy but the opposite. Me and Daniel are the closest a father and son could be. Roger and Addy are the closest father and daughter ever.

"Back to what I was saying, how do you feel about going to Barcelona again?" I asked with a smirk, "With the kids." The kids gasped in excitement and started pleading to go.

Roger finally said, "I don't see why not!" The kids screamed in excitement before pausing. Daniel asked, "Where is Barcelona?"
"Spain. We're going on a plane!" Roger exclaimed. Adeline started shaking nervously, "I've never been on plane...sounds scary..." Roger grabbed her tightly, "I'll be there for you though. You'll be fine!"

2 1/2 weeks later: April 14, 1980
Today was the day we were going on our first family holiday.

We had packed the night before to make sure we were ready. But today was very panicky since we kept thinking we'd forgotten something.

When we got to the airport, Adeline started having a mini panic attack. I held her close to me when I picked her up. She was terrified.
On the plane was worse. She was holding onto my hand so tight out of fear. Luckily, Daniel held her hand and helped calm her. He was a great brother.

When it went up, the kids both closed their eyes in fear. But when we were in the air, they weren't afraid.

We needed this, a break away from Freddie and John's drama and the album. We love them but we sometimes needed to get away from them.

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